Dear C,
The World Socialist Web Site is providing live, on-the-spot coverage of the expanding strikes and protests of teachers in Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky and throughout the US. The growth of opposition among educators is part of a wave of working-class unrest all over the world.
The development of the class struggle places increasing demands on the WSWS. We have sent reporters to Oklahoma and West Virginia and will respond quickly to developments in other cities and states. The WSWS also had unequaled reporting of the demonstrations led by high school youth on March 24, covering 18 separate protests. (See selection of recent coverage below).
In the breadth of its coverage and in the political perspective it advances, the WSWS is both unique and indispensable. We need your financial support to continue and expand this work. Travel, accommodations, leaflet printing—all require significant resources.
If you have not donated yet this month, please make as large a donation as possible today.
A $500 donation will cover airfare for a WSWS reporter to travel anywhere in the country. A $100 donation will cover the costs of accommodations for one night. A donation of $50 will allow us to print 500 leaflets for distribution.
Thank you for your support.
Fraternally, Joe Kishore Socialist Equality Party |