Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
In under Assad's control, the different religious groups work together, peacefully. But in areas where rebels backed by the US, UK and France, only shariah law exists, with residents terrified of being executed for doing anything the "Western-friendly" rebels don't like
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
This is in the Citadel of Aleppo, a scene I wish more people could see. Muslim leaders walking side by side with Christian leaders. People in the West don't understand how much tolerance exists between these religions, all thanks to President Assad's secular government.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
It's impossible for the U.S. government to militarily rule the world. It has 1,000 military bases peppering the planet for no good reason at all: …
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Saudi Arabia is on the UN women's rights commission, “promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women.” …

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