Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
The Khashoggi murder gets unprecedented global attention while millions of children starving to death in Yemen due to Saudi Arabia’s bombs and siege are largely ignored.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Read this story of death and despair in Yemen and explain to me why we would sell one more bomb to Saudi Arabia!
Obama’s ex-CIA director who funneled billions of dollars in weapons to head-chopping jihadists that terrorized and killed thousands of innocent people in Syria, doesn’t have the moral superiority to lecture anyone about violence.
Macron, who’s always so seemingly “concerned” about civilian lives in Syria, doesn’t want to address the fact that Saudi Arabia is using billions of dollars in French weaponry to bomb and starve millions of civilians in Yemen.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
The mastermind of Obama's drone program, which killed thousands of innocent people, is lecturing Trump about violence.
Another day, another bombing of a market in Yemen by Saudi Arabia. At least 19 civilians were killed, including children.
It wasn’t a cold-blooded murder of a Washington Post journalist though so there won’t be any global outrage, nor mass media coverage.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Apparently some Acme comedy bombs mailed to a number of extremely rich people, which thankfully did not hurt anybody at all, are infinitely more newsworthy than the real bombs which maim and destroy children in Yemen on an industrial scale.
As all eyes are on Saudi Arabia, reminder that this tyrannical regime is calling for female human rights defender Israa al-Ghomgham to be beheaded simply because she participated in peaceful protests.
Why is this barbaric regime still sitting on the UN Human Rights Council?
Saudi Arabia’s bombing and besiegement of Yemen is starving 14 million human beings to death.
This is the worst humanitarian catastrophe in the world.
Where is the outrage from the media & elites? Or is that only reserved for Washington Post journalists?
So were “democratic values” what led you to spearhead the dismemberment of Yugoslavia and play a key role in sanctioning half a million children to death in Iraq? 

The McCain Institute which received a million dollars from Saudi Arabia, one of the world’s worst human rights offender, wants to promote human rights.
The joke writes itself.
Like when you stated you were arming “moderate rebels” in Syria but it was actually Al-Qaeda and ISIS jihadists?
How about no more arms deals with Saudi Arabia, period, because it’s engaging in a genocidal war that has devastated Yemen for the last three and a half years, killing tens of thousands of civilians, including scores of children?
Oh, that’s funny. I could’ve sworn George Bush used “lying and untruth as a basic method” to invade Iraq, kill and displace millions of human beings, give rise to ISIS and set the entire Middle East on fire, but I guess I was just dreaming.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
The cancerous ideology that justifies this kind of medieval barbarism is indistinguishable from that against which the Syrian Arab Army and allies have been battling these past 7 years. Yet Assad and Putin are the enemy while Saudi Arabia is the friend.
A barbaric regime that is complicit in the murder of thousands of Americans on 9/11, that arms and finances Al-Qaeda in Syria, that bombs and starves millions of people in Yemen, and that spreads radical jihadist ideology throughout the world should not be an ally.
When Obama gave the green light to Saudi Arabia to launch its genocidal war on Yemen, you fully endorsed it, saying “it’s vitally important that we have Saudi Arabia’s back in what they’re doing in Yemen”.
But now you’re suddenly an opponent of Riyadh’s atrocities and barbarism?
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Dear ex-Obama officials who spent your time in government lavishing the Saudi regime with arms & intel to destroy Yemen & track dissidents & protecting them, but now claim you said things in private that had a tense & disagreeable tone: Just stop. You're embarrassing yourselves.