sexiest men of 2018
cannot wait to see brian de palma's upcoming 'domino' for many reasons - and, yes, nikolaj is 1 of the reasons.
2) danell leyva

the american gymnist is a winner - especially in mr. trunk underwear.
3) actor and singer trevor jackson.
This Is Trevor Jackson..
Dude issa fine guy
4) stephen amell
Stephen Amell is my favourite actor at the moment, he plays Oliver Queen/Green Arrow so well, he's almost perfect for the roles, I hope to watch him on the big screen playing as the Green Arrow one day
@StephenAmell #greenarrow

black is concealing - a fact made clear when oliver and barry swapped bodies on the 3-part crossover of 'green arrow' and 'the flash' and 'supergirl.' stephen in the flash's red costume emphasized even more just how big and bouncy stephen's booty is. he's got some flanks on him, that boy, talk about bootylicious.
5) oliver hudson.
My girl!!! Love you Jamie!! RT @jamieleecurtis: This look funeeee. My old @ScreamQueens flameout has moved on!
@theoliverhudson I’m proud of you and your dad bod.

i wish the show was funnier but at least it has oliver hudson in it. he's made the list before and he'll make it again, oliver is sexy. hot. as. f**k.
6) tyler hoechlin.
New picture from the movie "Then Came You". #TylerHoechlin #ThenCameYou
Tyler Hoechlin's smile is the prettiest

he plays superman on the cw's 'supergirl.'
7) the nfl's russell wilson.
Seattle’s Russell Wilson Outplays Patrick Mahomes and Enters MVP Race | Bleacher Report…
Russell Wilson: “My whole role is to inspire other people who have been told no.” #Seahawks

the hottest body in the nfl? the seahawks' russell wilson.
8) another frequent flyer on my sexiest men list is tom hardy.
tom hardy tom softy
appreciation post for how tom hardy's ears stick out
9) armie hammer.
yeah, i'd like to bake with his soda. :D
10) and his 1-time co-star henry cavill.
#HenryCavill curtindo praia em Miami 27/08
"Henry Cavill Bares His Buff Superman Body at the Beach!"
By @JustJared
Henry Cavill showed off his buff Superman body at the beach! More photos:
The Shape Of The Water in your body Henry Cavill.
. ∩ ∧_∧
`ヽ_っ_/ ̄ ̄ ̄/

Henry Cavill's most unbelievable body transformations
whether he gets replaced in the films or not, henry will always be super sexy.
let's close with c.i.'s 'Iraq snapshot:'