The Hunter campaign supports in full the Green Party's platform (linked to above). We believe it is the best plan to build a fair America that respects its citizens' rights and our country's diversity. Some key (non-exhaustive) Hunter platform points are:
Together we will fight for the human right to food, water, housing and essential utilities.
We will fight for the right to a living wage job with a minimum wage of $15/hr.
Under the REAL Green New Deal there will be full employment – with public works jobs and green jobs. And we will be aided in this effort by cutting in half this country’s war budget, ending America’s interventionist adventures for corporate profit.
We will protect workers rights and protect unions - ending firings without just cause.
We will achieve equal pay and equal rights for women, finally passing the Equal Rights Amendment.
There will be tuition free education from grade school through to college.
And we will overcome the educational racism that plagues our schools, subjecting children of color to lessened educational opportunities and the racism of lowered expectations.
We will fight to keep local voice and choice in education – and keep privatization out of our educational system. Our children are not to be used as pawns for corporate profit.
We will secure clean air, water and soil for future generations and end the environmental racism that plagues minority communities with pollution. We will transition away from fossil fuels, ending their harmful extraction.
And we will set clear achievable goals to transition to 100% renewable energy.
(Source: Pax Ahimsa Gethen)
Bought and paid for Republican and Democratic leaders will tell you that some banks are ‘too big to fail.’ There is no such thing. Break them up. And make corporations and rich pay their fair share. Corporations are not people - and we will no longer allow their interests to outrank the public good.
We shall give grants to green businesses and support community coops in minority communities.
We will democratize monetary policy, giving the public control of the money supply and the creation of credit.
There will be single payer health care for all Americans (i.e. Medicare for All), with no copays, deductibles or restrictions against pre-existing illness.
We will end racism in healthcare that causes a lack of resources and access for minority communities.
We will halt the unwarranted deportations and detentions, night raids and the abusive separation of undocumented immigrant families.
We will create a path to citizenship for immigrants that is reasonable, achievable and appreciates the value immigrants bring to our country.
Through ranked choice voting, proportional representation and open debates we will seek to perfect the revolution this country's founders started by bringing real democracy and real choice to America’s voters. We will remove the ballot access barriers put in place by the Republicans and Democrats (and their corporate masters).
(Image Source: Tony Webster)
Equal Rights
We will bring an end to the senseless killing of people of color by law enforcement – supporting the efforts of Black Lives Matter.
We will affirm tribal sovereignty, affirm all treaties, and restore tribal lands to our indigenous peoples – protecting their sacred sites and fighting racism.
Through legislation we will protect the rights and the lives of LGBTQIA+ persons.
The Hunter campaign supports reparations for Americans of African descent who have been subjected to centuries of slavery and discrimination.
We will end the war on drugs that feeds into our shameful system of mass incarceration – the new plantation system for African-Americans and people of color.
We will establish community oversight of the police and end the quotas for tickets and arrests that create for profit policing.
We will limit the use of force by the police and demilitarize policing.
We will end the abusive surveillance, spying and violation of our free speech that has occurred under Republican and Democratic administrations alike. And we will fight the effort to violate our free speech rights through laws against boycotting Israel and its human rights abuses.
We will stop funding interventionist activities and wars, closing over 700 military bases abroad. And we will stop aiding and abetting human rights abusers around the world – such as Saudi Arabia and Israel.
We will cut military funding in half - because we know our best defense is a strong educational system (i.e. a well educated public) and a strong infrastructure.
And yet we will ensure the quality of veterans' health programs, raise base military pay and honor our military by dealing with the military sexual crime crisis outside of the broken military judicial system.