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63,434! We’re so close! Tulsi is in National Guard duty this weekend - let’s surprise her by reaching 65,000 by the time she gets out. - TULSI2020
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At last, we have passed historic legislation in the House of Representatives to end the US’ unconstitutional support of Saudi-led genocidal war in Yemen, which is killing tens of thousands & starving millions. This legislation is now w/ @realDonaldTrump for signature or veto.
While Tulsi is in Guard duty this weekend, we’re posting stories of people putting #ServiceAboveSelf in their daily lives, like these two friends who teamed up to overcome their disabilities and plant 10,000 trees around their village -TULSI2020
While Tulsi is in Guard duty this weekend, we’re posting stories of people putting #ServiceAboveSelf in their daily lives, like Dr. Semmler who has chosen to live modestly so that he can give back to his community as much as possible -TULSI2020 …
When we stand united in the spirit of aloha, with love for our country & care for each other, we can:
End the new Cold War & nuclear arms race
Stop pursuing regime change in Iran & Venezuela
Fund Medicare for All
Fund College for All
Fix our crumbling infrastructure

While Tulsi is in Guard duty this weekend, we’re posting stories of people putting #ServiceAboveSelf in their daily lives, like MMA fighter Dustin Poirie raising money to build a playground for disabled kids in his old neighborhood -TULSI2020
While Tulsi is in Guard duty this weekend, we’re posting stories of people putting #ServiceAboveSelf in their daily lives, like this powerful story of Gettysburg
Social media data should be protected at the same level as medical data - it includes sensitive information about our daily lives, relationships, health and finances. As president, I’ll make sure that your personal privacy is protected.
LA Memorial Coliseum honors those who fought & died in WWI. The proposal to rename it after United Airlines dishonors those who put their lives on the line for our country. I support the veterans mobilizing to fight the name change #VeteransBeforeProfits …
Neocons Bolton, Pence & Abrams miscalculated at every step in attempting regime change in Venezuela. The Venezuelan people have seen the devastating impacts of US intervention in Latin America for decades - they need real solutions, not political theater.
Trump is for socialism when it comes to taxpayers underwriting military contractors and arms manufacturers. The same money would create more jobs used for rebuilding our country’s infrastructure and green economy, and it would be better for humanity.
Coral reefs are a vital ecosystem on the front lines of climate change's devastating impacts. We can’t afford to sit back & watch them die. My OFF Act will ensure a 100% transition from fossil fuels to clean and renewable energy to achieve #ClimateJustice
If we treat people like animals in prison & force them to do dehumanizing things to survive that environment, we perpetuate violent behavior & increase recidivism. Goal of our prisons should be to help ppl become more caring, develop respect & compassion
Finally. Today we passed legislation to end US support for Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war in Yemen that has killed tens of thousands and caused the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.
Our infrastructure is crumbling. We need leadership that puts #PeopleBeforeProfits, to end regime change wars, the new Cold War and arms race, and keep the money in people’s pockets and/or rebuild our country’s bridges, airports, roads, sewer lines, etc.