Dear Reader,
As we move on to the European Championships covered in the next edition, congratulations are in order for the Drum Corps Associates champions at the title event in Williamsport, PA, — to the Reading Buccaneers for another record-setting win in Open Class and Carolina Gold for their second DCA Class A title, along with Freelancers Alumni topping the list of mini-corps. The October issue will have reports on the U.K. and European championships. A full off-season schedule of issues containing features, interviews, columns and news articles, along with striking photography from our talented worldwide staff, will fill editions between now and t June when the 2020 season begins. There will be one additional championship review coming in January from the competition in Indonesia, held during the Christmas holidays in that Southeast Asia country where there are several hundred drum and bugle corps and like groups scattered across that vast nation of islands. Thanks to our continuing commercial and non-profit advertisers that provide the financial backing to continue publishing DCW! |
Steve Vickers
Publisher Drum Corps World |