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#Hunter2020's Green Path Forward is a step further from the Green New Deal. We not only vow to have all businesses switch to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030 but also eliminate plastic pollution, scale back agribusinesses, promote co-ops & green spaces
Dec. 10th is Human Rights Day. On this day and every day after, let's repeat to everyone we meet, "We are all born free & equal. Every one of us has rights!"

Our campaign has been saying this for some time now. We can't simply lean on the clean energy targets in the Green New Deal and continue w/ an irresponsible approach to animal agriculture. The future of our planet demands that we scale back. #Hunter2020
My heart is broken over the deadly targeting of a kosher supermarket in my hometown of Jersey City. I wish healing and comfort for all those affected by this tragedy. We must commit to building a world free of hate and violence & welcoming of diversity.
I oppose Trump's efforts to define Judaism and antisemitism in a manner really intended to stifle criticism of Israel. Antisemitism is real, but if Trump wants to address it he needs to stop fueling white nationalism.
Have you been wanting to help out more by setting up recurring monthly donations? Now you can through our new Nationbuilder website.
Thank you for your support! 

During a day of speaking at Nevada Union High School, Dario was invited by Extinction Rebellion & Sunrise to speak at their Climate Strike:
Los Angeles Meet N Greet: …
People of Color Bill of Rights is a declaration and reassertion of the natural human rights of those whose rights have been consistently disrespected for centuries. …
People of Color Bill of Rights is a declaration and reassertion of the natural human rights of those whose rights have been consistently disrespected for centuries. …
People of Color Bill of Rights is a declaration and reassertion of the natural human rights of those whose rights have been consistently disrespected for centuries. …
People of Color Bill of Rights is a declaration and reassertion of the natural human rights of those whose rights have been consistently disrespected for centuries. …
People of Color Bill of Rights is a declaration and reassertion of the natural human rights of those whose rights have been consistently disrespected for centuries. …
People of Color Bill of Rights is a declaration and reassertion of the natural human rights of those whose rights have been consistently disrespected for centuries. …
#Hunter2020 believes in a "right to genuine recognition of the sovereignty of Native American peoples, unabridged by illegal disregard for treaties & including a reparative process & recognition of sacred lands." #PoCBillofRights #EndPrivilege