U.S. is the greatest hypocrite, blockading #Venezuela and blaming the gov't for lack of medicines and shortages when the U.S. is fully responsible. Imperialist double-speak. @SecPompeo understand this, #Venezuela will resist and overcome!! @FidelidadACuba @CubaVenezCte @pslweb
La Riva / Peltier 2020 Retweeted
This weekend we will be hosting a meet and greet event featuring @peaceandfreedom party’s 2020 Congressional candidate José Cortés. Now’s your chance to connect with the 50th district’s first socialist candidate!
Join us on Saturday at 7 pm at Plan 9 Alehouse in Escondido! 

La Riva / Peltier 2020 Retweeted
Self-determination for the Palestinian people, including the right of return. End the U.S. blockade of Cuba and sanctions against Venezuela, Iran and all countries. Independence for Puerto Rico and cancel its debt!
La Riva / Peltier 2020 Retweeted
La Riva / Peltier program:
★ 5 | Shut down all U.S. military bases around the world—bring all the troops, planes & ships home
U.S. foreign policy uses the pretext of national security to enforce the imperialist interests of the biggest banks and corporations.
La Riva / Peltier 2020 Retweeted
Amazing to see #Demdebate candidates with tears in their eyes, I wish they would cry for the #Palestinian people & stop supporting #Israeliapartheid, stop supporting war. @pslweb @BrianBeckerDC @MikePrysner #votesocialism
Disgusting to hear #Biden talk about cost of healthcare, he got primo healthcare, didn't pay a penny for it as senator or as vice president. Corporations amass trillions in profit, Top 400 co's only paid 11.2% taxes last year! In 1950, it was 70%. @pslweb @peaceandfreedom
.@BernieSanders proposal of Medicare for all is a start, but in reality all healthcare should be free for all. Medicare actually costs a lot, there should be no obstacle for people to have healthcare. @pslweb @peaceandfreedom Check out our website: http://www.larivapeltier2020.org/
US war against #Afghanistan has gone on, not for 18 years, but for 40 years. Don't count on Dems to end war, their history is full of war. We say, shut down all U.S. bases abroad, bring all troops home NOW. @pslweb @peaceandfreedom @GloriaLaRiva @BrianBeckerDC #VoteSocialist
Our campaign has not only spoken out for #TransRightsAreHumanRights Trans rights, we have been in the protests, on the picketline, advocating for years for #LGBTQ & specifically #Trans rights.
What the #Demdebate candidates don't mention is how many people have become disabled by U.S
wars, blockade, both victims on many countries and soldiers, environmental catastrophes. @MikePrysner @pslweb @peaceandfreedom #votesocialist @GloriaLaRiva @nick_psl_sf
YES! Reparations for #AfricanAmerican & #Native communities! Long past time! U.S. capitalist system built on foundation of slavery & indigenous genocide. Racism still reigns in jobs, housing, education, wealth, equality. Visit our 10-pt program: https://www.larivapeltier2020.org/ @pslweb
All undocumented workers need immediate right to legalization, it's been years of repression, prison, deportations, family separation, brutality. Enough racist scapegoating for economic crimes that bankers, big biz committed. #VoteSocialist @Peaceandfreedom @pslweb @Liberty_union
So funny to hear #Biden & #Buttigieg talk about fighting corporations. They are in the pockets of BIG BIZ big time. #DemDebate @peaceandfreedom @pslweb #VoteSocialist @Liberty_Union
In #DemDebate the candidates are gathering 100s millions, what our campaign asks is for a donation to fight this capitalist system, to fight for true justice, for socialism. @peaceandfreedom @MikePrysner #VoteSocialist @BrianBecker @pslweb https://www.larivapeltier2020.org/donate
In #DemDebate #Biden #Yang #Klobuchar et al threaten China with war preparation, we say #NoWar #NoSanctions Support a socialist campaign! #VoteSocialist @PeaceandFreedom @pslweb @GloriaLaRiva @EugenePuryear @BrianBecker @EstevanHernan
Yesterday people of #Cuba & worldwide celebrated 5th anniversary of all #CubanFive Heroes' freedom from unjust US imprisonment. @GloriaLaRiva organized in their freedom fight, too. @PeltierFree remains in prison. Free him & all political prisoners now! @peaceandfreedom @pslweb
La Riva / Peltier 2020 Retweeted
Some of the first words of Gerardo Hernández Nordelo when you get to #Cuba
between the excitement and nerves when he saw @RaulCastro_Ruz

Gerardo Hernández: “Cada día vivido es uno que le quito a la sentencia de dos cadenas perpetuas que tenía” (+ Video)
#Amazon paid no federal taxes in 2018 on its $11.2 billion in profits. @LaRivaPeltier demand a takeover of banks, major corporations, to truly meet people's needs. Donate to our campaign today! https://www.larivapeltier2020.org/donate
More info on Amazons robbery: