While we're noting MoveOn and Sojourners upcoming peace events, let's take a moment to note CodePink's as well:
March 19-20 marks the two-year anniversary of the U.S. bombing and invasion of Iraq. After all of the death and destruction and with the Bush administration claiming a mandate to continue their war, there's a new urgency and a stronger determination within the global antiwar movement to bring the troops home now.
CODEPINK will organize vigils, rallies, marches and nonviolent civil disobedience throughout the country to call an end to the needless suffering, devastation, and loss of life. Help us let the Bush administration know loud and clear the world’s mandate has been and continues to be one of peace. Read the renewed Iraq Pledge of Resistance.
Organize vigils, rallies, marches, or nonviolent civil disobedience in your community and let us know by emailing info@codepinkalert.org and publishing it on the United For Peace and Justice calendar - or join an event near you.
There will also be a major regional demonstration in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Fayetteville is home to Fort Bragg - ground zero for the 82nd Airborne Division and many of the Army's elite units. Beyond Fort Bragg, North Carolina hosts four other of the nation's largest military bases, making the state one of the friendliest to the military-industrial complex.
For more information about CodePink, visit their homepage as well as the CodePink alert notice.
So we've covered the peace events for Code Pink and MoveOn & Sojourners (see previous entry). If you know of an event that we haven't covered, please e-mail this site (common_ills@yahoo.com).
[For those in a hurry: "To participate in a peace vigil they provide a link to Sojourners that will let you know if there's one in your area." Clicking the link will provide you with information on the peace events Sojourners & MoveOn will be holding.]
The Green Party's Green Party Peace Action Committee offers this announcement and information:
March 18-20 marks the two-year anniversary of the U.S. bombing and invasion of Iraq.
Greens all over the country are participating in local actions that call for the end of the war and to bring our troops home.
Check back frequently for updated information, Green Party literature and other resources for your local actions.
If you are organizing a local action, please send the information to peace@gp.org, so we can post it on the national online calendar.
For more information: http://www.unitedforpeace.org/
Local Peace Calendars:
New York (Capitol area): http://www.social-capital.org/calendar/
Maryland: http://www.mupj.org/pdfdocs/calendar2005january.pdf
Baltimore area: http://www.baltnvctr.org
Pittsburgh/Western Penn: http://www.thomasmertoncenter.org
Seattle are: http://www.scn.org/activism/calendar
Sacramento area: http://www.sacpeace.org/index.cfm
Colorado: http://www.rmpjc.org/
Again, e-mail the site if you know something you'd like to share with the community.
(Again, that's common_ills@yahoo.com.)
[Note: Post corrected for spacing -- as in two words together with no space between.]