I've been helping community member Michael set up his blog. He's got his first entry up. He's been added to our permalinks on the left. His blog is called Mikey Likes It! and I hope everyone who checks links will make a point to check out Michael's site.
His first post is entitled "New York Times Can Kiss My Irish Ass" and, in it, he gives you some background on himself.
Greetings. My name is, my name is Michael. Mike to my buds. Common Ills member in da house keeping it real.
I'm 19 years old. College student. Work as well. Like to drink my beer. Miller Genuine Draft.
A beer in the hand and a game on TV and I'm set.
When I was a kid, I got called Mikey. And there was some famous commercial from way back before I was born so I'd always have someone saying, "Mikey likes it!" Thought that was a good title for this site.
Played sports, first string but not good enough for college. Them's the breaks.
It was fun to be on the line with Michael while he sat up his site and I'm sure he'll be a voice many will want to check in on.
This is going to be the final entry for tonight because I'm about to fall over. (I'm still recovering from this weekend. For any visitors, I'm referring to the all nighter with The Third Estate Sunday Review, not a drinking binge.)
The e-mail address for this site is common_ills@yahoo.com and be sure to check out Michael's site.