Saturday, January 19, 2019

Some Tweets from Sarah Abdallah

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    And yet, as Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton championed the backing, financing and arming of these very same terrorists in Libya and Syria.
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    Reminder that unlike Buzzfeed and all the other fake news, WikiLeaks has never had to retract or apologize for any of their publications.
  • Before and after regime change wars.
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    Most of the military and vets agree with Trump: It's time to bring the troops home
  • Know what would be infinitely better for Macron instead of intervening in the internal affairs of Syria? Answering the demands of the tens of thousands of Yellow Vests protesting wealth inequality all across France for 9 weekends straight now.
  • As a US Senator and then Obama’s Secretary of State, your warmongering policies have destroyed millions of children and families in just about every part of the world. Save us the crocodile tears.
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    During your failed presidential bid, one of your policies was to support Islamic jihadists attempting to overthrow Syria's secular government - the very policy that led to the rise of ISIS in the first place. You have absolutely zero credibility on the matter.
  • The only thing that emboldens ISIS is warmongers like Graham and his old buddy McCain who promote regime change wars that topple secular governments and replace them with head-chopping terrorists.
  • Reminder: Not satisfied with just spearheading the bombing of Libya back to the stone age and helping re-institute slavery, Hillary Clinton also pushed for the arming of jihadists in Syria—killing 560,000 people & forcing millions more to flee their homes.
  • Yeah. NATO’s dismemberment of Yugoslavia, destruction of Libya and destabilization of Syria, all of which created massive refugee crises that sent millions of people fleeing from their homes, definitely embody “successful”. 🙄
  • Israel just openly admitted for the first time that it has been arming the jihadists destabilizing Syria and terrorizing the Syrian people. And how many mainstream media outlets are reporting on this bombshell? None. They simply are nowhere to be found.
  • So let me get this straight: Just as the US withdrawal from Syria begins, ISIS shows up in Manbij, a city it was kicked out from two years ago, and kills at least 5 US soldiers. Can the warmongers who want to maintain the perpetual occupation of Syria be any less obvious? 🙄
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    Me crushing the narrative being pusehd right now about and the attack on our troops.
  • Ron Paul: “What if the American people woke up and understood that the official reasons for going to war are almost always based on lies and promoted by war propaganda in order to serve special interests?”
  • Trump merely contemplates withdrawing from NATO and Western governments, media outlets and pundits have a collective meltdown. NATO actually destroys Libya, Africa’s most prosperous state, paving the way for jihadist fanatics to take over, and the same people barely say a word.
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    John Bolton’s long standing desire for regime change in Iran must be called out and shut down. If we’re serious about peace, we need to commit to diplomacy and be ready to meet with adversaries as well as friends.
  • That awkward moment when Obama sheds crocodile tears for Libya while still maintaining that his “humanitarian” intervention, which left the country spiralling into chaos and brought slave-selling jihadist militias to power, “was the right thing to do”.
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    Did this memo, sent to Hillary Clinton from Christiane Amanpour's husband, help kill half a million people in Syria?
  • Says the woman who has been a puppet of Wall Street and the military-industrial-complex throughout every stage of her political career, supporting every illegal war under the sun.