Friday, January 18, 2019

Talking entry

Caitlin Johnstone.  Why don't I highlight her?  "She's all over everything!  She covers every topic!" 

She doesn't cover Iraq and that's really our focus.

So you have that.

There was a time when we did highlight her -- or I brought up to highlight at THIRD.

But then there's the other issue.

  1. Home sweet home — after week long medical crap

I'm sorry, as a C-survivor, my sympathies are with Justin. 

Call out everyone, fine, Caitlin.  But not someone you know is battling cancer.  At least try to high road that. 

I've been where he is, where the chemo makes you sick -- the chemo that hopefully is curing you.  Where everything in your body -- even your toenails -- hurts.  Where all you can do after a treatment is sink onto the bed and stay there and, oh, by the way, you're freezing to death and your body can't regulate your own temperature.

I feel for Justin and I hope he's doing well. 

When Caitlin started a fight with him via Twitter -- an insult attack, that did it for her here.  I'm sorry.  One more time, I have been where Justin is now.  It is very difficult and, no matter how many people you have around you, it is very lonely. 

Justin's cancer is not a secret.  If Catilin knew anything about him at all -- and she apparently knew enough to veer into what I saw as gay-baiting (Justin is gay) -- she knew he had cancer.  That's when she should have just looked the other way instead of trying to shred him in a Twitter battle while he's going through chemo.

Someone sent her writing on feminism and I saw the title and my immediate thought was, "Too bad a feminist didn't write it."  I didn't read it.  I don't have time for her due to her attack on Justin who is fighting for his life. 

It could have been an important article.  I don't think she's capable of writing it, though.  Her feminist sensibilities -- whatever they are -- don't show up in her writing.  Unless she's grabbing Kim Gandy's discarded slogan "Peace is a feminist issue!"

For Kim it is.  Or it was.  When Democrats were out of power, Kim Gandy told us that peace was a feminist issue.  It stopped being such very quickly -- didn't it.

A real feminist who was informed and aware could write the article that Caitlin wanted to and could it write it very well.

I'm not so sure that such a feminist would then take it to CONSORTIUM NEWS.

I'm glad Caitlin exists if only because CONSORTIUM publishes her and they haven't published many women so it's good that Joe and Nate and others have addressed that long imbalance.  They'd do well to publish another woman as well -- especially considering how many regularly get published there repeatedly.

I'm not a nice person and don't pretend to be. 

And, in most cases, my attitude is: Let it rip.

But when Elizabeth Edwards, for example, was again battling cancer, I made sure to avoid the topic of her or her wayward husband.  The last thing she needed were comments on that topic.  It takes everything you have to fight cancer.  You know that most people will lose the battle.  Your body is constantly giving you signs that you are losing -- even if you aren't.  It is an awful time.

At one point, community members will remember, a certain Canadian decided to publish an e-mail -- not written by me or for me -- that noted I was again doing treatments for cancer.  I was outraged.  I hadn't even had time to tell my kids that it had returned yet.  I wanted to tell them in person and they were coming over on the weekend.  Instead, they found out online thanks to the American idiot who was a coward and couldn't handle Bully Boy Bush being in the White House so had to run to Canada and hide.  Remember that piece of trash?

As if that wasn't bad enough, she then wrote an article, not a blog post where she was the injured party.  She had outed my cancer via a private e-mail someone sent to her which she reposted -- without their permission.  And that's how my kids find out -- which is wonderful stress to carry with you back into chemo.  But it was poor her that suffered.

Now she did get flack for it -- from a lot of people who felt what she did was so grossly wrong.

But I didn't direct that at her.  I was dealing with real issues in my own life.  If I'd been healthier?  I would have seen to it that she was run out of her new country, honestly, I would have.  For ensuring that my kids learned of the cancer's return not from me but from a loudmouth with a vendetta, I would have ensured that she understood what a vendetta actually is.

She's still around.  Writing her posts attacking Black Lives Matter.  Because she knows it so well, you understand?  She was here in the US visiting the sites.  Oh, wait, she wasn't.  She knows nothing about it.  She moved to Canada under Bully Boy Bush and became a citizen there.  Apparently she either doesn't know enough about Canada to write about Canada or she finds her new home too boring and must obsess over the US.  And, specifically, she must obsess over US male writers -- male.  Remember when she claimed to be a feminist?  I've  looked at her blog while writing this and it's men, men, men all the time.  That's not a feminist world and it's not a world I would ever choose to live in. 

At any rate, I've been in Justin's shoes and even I draw the line at attacking someone while they're doing chemo -- even me.

So that's why we're not interested in Caitlin Johnstone's writing.

I planned to cover over topics in this talking entry but we'll just leave it at this.  And with the hope that Justin wins the battle and knows that people are rooting for him.