Friday, January 10, 2020

Margaret Kimberley's 'solidarity' with the Iraq people didn't translate to noting the Iraqi people today, did it?

We started the day discussing the importance of the protests.  Two journalists were killed because they covered the protests today -- Ahmed Abdul Samad and Safaa Ghali.

None of the fake asses in the US -- Margaret, Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal, CODESTINK, etc -- bothered to note the protests today.  They had all day to note it.

Two Iraqi journalists gave their lives to cover these protests and in America, Margaret and her crowd can't even be bothered to do one reTweet about today's protests.  That tells you how much 'solidarity' Margaret Kimberley really has with the Iraqi people.

  1. Unknown gunmen opened fire on car carrying TV reporter Ahmed Abdul Samad & camera operator Safaa Ghali in , killing both men, after Samad posts video criticizing security forces
  2. The latest victims of the Iraqi Revolution are journalists. Last night, Ahmed Abdul-Samad, Basrah correspondent for Dijlah channel & his cameraman both gunned down following their coverage of the Basrah peaceful protests. May they rest in peace.
  3. Iraqi Protesters chanting in front of the home o assassinated TV reporter Ahmed Abdul Samad. He was assassinated earlier on Friday with his Camera man b “Unknown Assassinates”! Protesters give the Gov 48hrs to find the killers! Is it time for people to carry Arms? Eye 4 n Eye?
    This media may contain sensitive material. Learn more
  4. This is the last video made by Iraqi journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad before he was murdered. Samad was covering the ongoing protests against corruption in Basra. In these interviews, protesters claim to have been threatened for openly criticizing Iran.
  5. journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad in this video a few hours before he was murder by backed militia for criticizing the Arbitrary arrests of . He asked a simple but yet powerful question. How come there were no arrests when they protested against America?
  6. Honestly one of the bravest jobs in the world right now is to be an Iraqi journalist. Ahmed Abdul Samad and his cameraman Safaa Ghali were shot dead in their car in Basra right after Ahmed broadcast a video accusing militias of arresting activists. RIP
  7. The assassination of journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad, the correspondent of the Tigris Channel in Basra shortly before. This is Khamenei's response to the killing of Qassem Soleimani.!
  8. Slain journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad recorded this video message two weeks informing Journalist Freedoms Observatory of the consistent death threats he receives from militias for criticizing Iran
  9. Iraklı gazeteci Ahmed Abdul Samad miş.
  10. Der irakische Journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad wurde heute ermordet. Wenigen Stunden zuvor berichtete er von einer regierungskritischen Demonstration in Basra. Die Demonstranten werfen der Regierung unter dem Motto „nein zu den USA, nein zum Iran“ vor, nicht handlungsfähig zu sein.
  11. RT : Video a few hours before his assassination, Ahmed Abdul Samad: 1/3 : "Arbitrary arrests in Basra among protesters. How come there were no arrests when they protested against America? Do we all know now who the 3rd party is? "
  12. Iraqi journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad assassinated in Basra
  13. Two Iraqi journalists were killed in Basrah during their covering of the ptotests in Basrah
  14. Lindsey Hilsum: "Today security forces were chasing demonstrators in Basrah... journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad questioned why those who protest against the US are not arrested, whereas those who oppose Iran are. 3 hours later he and his camera-man were shot dead in their car"
  15. Sobering reminder of the perils faced by journalists around the world. Iraqi journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad & cameraman Safaa Ghali were assassinated in Basra after covering today's protests. Protesters have gathered at Abdul Samad's house to mourn him.
  16. Ahmed Abdul Samad was recently awarded as one of the top 100 most influential people in Province. His Christmas wish was for all displaced Christian families to return to their homes in .
  17. : Gunmen open fire on car, kill Dijlah TV reporter Ahmed Abdul Samad and camera operator Safaa Ghali at Iraq protest via
  18. : Iraqi journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad assassinated by unidentified militiamen after covering anti-government demonstrations in
    This media may contain sensitive material. Learn more
  19. 🇮🇶: protesters gathering at the house of slain journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad in to show their solidarity
  20. Schlimme Nachrichten aus dem . Die zwei irakischen Medienschaffenden Ahmed Abdul und Safaa vom bekannten Nachrichten-Channel TV wurden in ihrem Auto in () hingerichtet. Die Bilder davon sind grausam, weswegen wir diese nicht verlinken /TN
  21. 🇮🇶: horrible news out or . Iraqi journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad was gunned downand killed today, only hours after reporting on the protests and criticising militiamen for arresting protesters and press.
  22. The assassination of journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad by Iranian militias in Iraq, which was covering the demonstrations of Iraqi youth in Basra This is Khamenei's response to the killing of Qassem Soleimani ..!
  23. And so it begins --- Is this a case of Iran taking steps which provide "plausible deniability" yet silence their critics. I raqi journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad assassinated in Basra via
  24. This is near the house of Iraqi journalist Ahmed Abdul Samad who according to activists was killed for covering protests in . Protesters promise his mother that they will take revenge for him
  25. RT : News of the murder of Ahmed Abdul Samad, a journalist in Basra spreads in Tahrir Square. There is a palpable change in atmosphere. I’m advised to leave.
  26. Les Irakiens sur les réseaux sociaux disent que la vidéo suivante est à l'origine de l'assassinat du journaliste irakien Ahmed Abdul Samad par des inconnus armés dans la ville de Bassorah, dans le sud du pays.
  27. Replying to  
    My sympathies Ahmed Abdul Samad's family!