Monday, May 23, 2005

Alice Walker's Foreword to CodePink's Stop the Next War Now

CodePink's Stop the Next War Now is a book I feel very important about. I hope others are aware of the book. Dallas did a list of all the contributors for the book.

Alice Walker writes the foreword. Here's an excerpt:

It started with Einstein. I had written a poem about his hair. It wasn't just about his hair: I was thinking about his statement that World War III might be fought with nuclear weapons but World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones. I was walking down a gray, chilly street near my home in Berkeley, thinking about the sadness of his eyes, the sadness of our situation: about to invade and massively bomb Iraq, a country inhabited by old people, orphans, women and children. Boys and men. The children, half the country's population, under fifteen years of age. I was thinking about my impending journey to Washington, D.C., to join a demonstration against the war; a city whose streets, during slavey, were laid out by Benjamin Bennaker, a free African American (father African, mother Irish African) tobacco planter from Maryland. I thought of the ancestors who, enslaved, built (eyes lowered, muscles straining) the imposing symbols of freedom in Washington, including the White House.

That's from page xi and we'll note the Author's note to the piece:

I wrote this essay as a thank-you to Medea Benjamin, who asked if I would write an op-ed piece about a CODEPINK-led protest on March 8, 2003. It was submitted to numerous newspapers, including the New York Times, but it was never published until now.

As we noted here May 4th:

Code Pink has a book out entitled Stop the Next War Now. For more information, see Code Pink or BuzzFlash. The book contains contributions from a number of women this community has noted and highlighted. Among the contributors: Medea Benjamin, Amy Goodman, Barbara Lee, Naomi Klein, Eve Ensler, and Arianna Huffington.

We'll continue to note the book here.

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