Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Some Tweets from David Sirota

David Sirota is the speechwriter for candidate Bernie Sanders.

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    How many times does have to tell you he wants to cut Social Security for everyone to believe him? And how many video clips have to exist for people to worry that these would likely all be devastating Trump ads, if Biden is the nominee? A 3-part thread...
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    The Sanders campaign had launched a series of attacks on Biden immediately prior to the debate, specifically targeting his record on social security and medicaid. But I do think it's true that Warren choosing to attack Bernie in this critical moment is a huge boost to Biden.

  • My view on this is simple: if you are more enraged at someone posting these transcripts than you are at the idea of Social Security cuts and a war in Iraq that killed hundreds of thousands of human beings, it must mean you and I have very different values.

  • Something that'll never not be odd to me: There are people on this website who express deep, passionate, personal hatred towards me because I sometimes post transcripts from the Congressional Record that show an elected official demanding Social Security cuts & a war in Iraq.
  • Huge National News: A no-audio clip of 2 people seeming to disagree Not News: A long clip of on the Senate floor screaming about how proud he is that he has been trying to cut the Social Security benefits that millions of people survive on.
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    The war in Iraq turned out to be the worst foreign policy blunder our country has ever made. I voted against that war. I did everything I could to prevent that war. Joe Biden cannot say the same.
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    Bernie should hit Biden relentlessly on this over the next three weeks. Biden’s support is soft (i.e. uncommitted), contains the highest quantity of 2nd-choice Bernie voters, and the demographic with whom Bernie most needs to improve (i.e. people of social security-earning age)

  • We can all disagree vehemently. But I have two requests: 1. Don’t resort to degrading, dehumanizing personal insults 2. Don’t ascribe degrading, dehumanizing personal insults to anyone’s campaign, unless you have actual proof that it is coming from that campaign Onward
  • All of these grotesque insults come from supporters of other campaigns, but I have never once responded by blaming those campaigns or ascribing the hateful personal insults to those campaigns or candidates, because that would be completely ridiculous and dishonest.
  • Thread: in the time that I’ve worked in this slog of a job, not a single day has gone by where I haven’t been personally vilified and/or threatened, in sickeningly degrading & ad hominem language, some of directed at both me & my family. Just name search my last name for examples
  • A continent is on fire, there may be a war in Iran, a president is being impeached...and reporters are spending their time hounding presidential candidates about a 5 second, no-audio interchange — because apparently literally nothing matters

  • Here’s an incredible thing: you have CNN publishing corporate consultants like insisting that Bernie may be too risky a nominee...all while we absolutely know Trump will weaponize videos of proudly congratulating himself for trying to cut Social Security 👇🏻

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    There's a dozen of these clips, and if Biden is the nominee Trump's gonna run 'em 24/7. "Biden and the Democrats want to cut your social security and Medicare. They've been trying to do it for decades. I've never touched social security, and I'll protect it from the Democrats."

  • I want to reiterate something and ask you to retweet it: A continent is literally on fire as climate change threatens all life on Earth — and every leading 2020 Dem other than is trying to help Trump pass a trade bill that would make the climate crisis worse.

  • Most important moment of the was being the only leading Dem with the guts to oppose Trump’s trade deal, and CNN trying to shut him down for saying the deal is awful for climate change — and Bernie just powering thru while his opponents looked dumbfounded

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  • Third Way is a Wall St think tank whose mission is to destroy progressive Democrats, even if that means reelecting Trump CNN publishes without mentioning that his job is literally to “provide reputation counsel to CEOs and C-suite executives”

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    The published an op-ed today slamming Bernie Sanders and Medicare for All that was written by execs at a think tank that gets funding from CVS Health, which owns insurance giant Aetna, and pharmaceutical companies
  • Climate change literally threatens all life on the planet, and you’re obsessing over an averted handshake while the Dem with the weakest climate plan and worst positioning against Trump gets a free pass
  • A continent is on fire, there may be a war in Iran, tens of thousands of people are dying because they cant afford healthcare, a Democratic candidate has been trying to cut Social Security for 40 yrs — and you’re focused on an averted handshake, because apparently nothing matters
  • This is why Trump is so worried about Bernie becoming the Democratic nominee 👇🏻

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    The campaign is about unifying people across our country - not dividing them up by race, ethnicity or gender. Forget those who are trying to divide us, focus on building the progressive movement & be positive to succeed!
  • Just want to reiterate this to all the donut accounts who instantly scream “dirty politics!” anytime anyone posts a publicly available video Biden boasting about voting for the Iraq War and trying to cut Social Security

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    Gonna admit: genuinely my favorite part of this website are accounts that non-ironically liken me to Roger Stone, Lee Atwater, Karl Rove & Stephen Miller for posting Senate floor speeches that tout Social Security cuts. I mean, thats unhinged insanity that you just gotta laugh at
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    Replying to   and 
    Certainly. Anyhow, I think we should all try to take this cue posthaste

  • “On Tuesday night, it haunted Biden as he sought to explain his vote in favor of the war”
  • You all can focus all your time on trying to interpret an averted handshake, I’m over here focused on this: “Many of (Biden’s) comments provided cover for proponents of the war — the war that many have come to realize was a fatal mistake”
  • Theory: those who are scandalized by the posting of CSPAN videos do not have the toughness to deal with the onslaught of attacks that will come from Donald Trump. Discuss.
  • You just have to be so deluded — and so out of touch with reality — to genuinely think it’s “dirty politics” to literally cite the congressional record.

  • Congrats to CNN for continuing to spend hours of airtime analyzing a single averted handshake & not one moment of airtime on trying to cut the Social Security program that millions rely on. Takes an impressive commitment to not focus on issues.
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    Biden has gotten quite a few breaks like this. Abandoned “no super PAC” pledge, and it never came up. Warren previewed an attack on his bankruptcy bill, and it never came up. Sanders has tons of receipts re Biden and entitlement “reform.” Never came up.

  • The media dont want you to be focused on or talking about Biden and his retrograde agenda. They want you to be focused on manufactured controversies that distract attention from what this primary is really all about. We will win if we stay focused — so please: FOCUS.

  • Biden has crusaded to slash Social Security, defend the policy of endless war, continue the drug war, block Medicare for All and support Trump’s trade deal. If you’re a progressive engaging in this Dem primary, defeating this agenda should be your focus.
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    Congratulations to CNN for spending lots of airtime trying to interpret silent body language at the end of the debate, rather than trying to cut the Social Security program that millions of human beings rely on to survive. Great work.