Thursday, June 03, 2021

Official COVID Policy Decisions Definitively Prove Systemic Crimes Against Humanity


As people who have been on this email list for the past year know, after I spent time talking to medical experts at the beginning of the pandemic, I’ve been fighting an all-out war to inform people and doctors worldwide about Ivermectin, life-saving treatment protocols and outrageously corrupt COVID policy decisions.

Throughout the entire process, I’ve personally experienced strategic suppression, censorship and various dirty tactics, as have doctors, medical experts and scientists.

I have literally been living like a refugee in a war zone.

There has been so much unnecessary suffering and unnecessary death!!

It’s grotesque.

Official COVID policy decisions are now definitive proof of systemic Crimes Against Humanity.

The official policy decisions to not treat people with COVID and systemically shutdown well-proven life-saving treatments were viciously barbaric Crimes Against Humanity, which led to MILLIONS of UNNECESSARY DEATHS, and UNNECESSARY LOCKDOWNS that buried people in debt and led to severe societal problems, and the consequences are just begining to unfold.

We cannot let this continue!! We must hold people accountable!!

On top of that, when the pandemic first began, as a matter of policy, they denied patients oxygen and then hospitals were paid off to rush untreated people onto death sentence ventilators, which were Dr. Kevorkian and Mengele-esque policies!

People had to win court cases to get their dying relatives off ventilators so they could be given Ivermectin, which then saved their lives in every case.

In total evil absurdity, Ivermectin is STILL not officially recommended and they are still systemically censoring and discrediting well-proven life-saving treatments. They’ve even consistently, repeatedly rigged clinical trials against non-patented, safe and effective treatments, killing people in the process, and have rigged trials to support harmful and highly profitable Big Pharma treatments.

Main point: we could have quickly ended the pandemic by giving everyone $4 per person treatment kits, which would have cured the sick and stopped the spread, much more effectively than vaccines, and in a significantly safer and more cost effective way.

The COVID Treatment Guidelines Panel and the FDA Emergency Use Authorization process is blatantly provably corrupt and guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.

Big Pharma’s Remdesivir, which has done more harm than good, is a shitty synthetic anti-viral version of Hydroxychloroquine.  Remdesivir is much more harmful and significantly less effective than Ivermectin!

Instead of costing $4 per non-patented treatment, Remdesivir was given a treatment monopoly that cost $3000 per treatment. 

How absurdly corrupt and inhumane is that?

If several highly effective, safe, inexpensive and widely available non-patented treatments were approved for use, Big Pharma would have lost hundreds of billions of dollars, and the Surveillance State and Big Tech would not have been able to consolidate power, because the “State of Emergency” would have ended and the “vaccine” Emergency Use Authorizations could not have been granted. 

Therefore, the experimental nanotech mRNA injections would have then had to go through proper testing, which they would not have passed!!

The EUA’s also helped ensure legal immunity for the Big Pharma companies from the millions of people that they know are going to be seriously harmed.

In the past, when vaccines killed 50 people, they would shut them down.  Now, an estimated 50,000 people have already been killed by the experimental mRNA injections, hundreds of thousands are suffering from side effects, and millions of people will most likely become infertile.

And next they are going to try to force these injections into OUR CHILDREN!!

Bottom line, the Surveillance State in partnership with Big Pharma is testing out experimental nanotech mRNA injections to begin implementing a human bio-software Operating System that will effectively be the enslavement of humanity. 

I know that sounds way too crazy to be true, but this whole COVID crisis is surreal evil run amok. People are tragically unaware of what is possible with new technologies of control. As I keep saying, evil has become so evil that well-meaning, good-hearted people cannot even comprehend how evil it is.

We are now so deep into provable evil, it is disgustingly horrific. Millions of people have already died unnecessarily; billions are buried deep in debt. A Pandora’s box of societal problems have been opened up, due to lockdowns that should have never happened!!

Meanwhile, all along, the COVID PCR tests were an utterly absurd fraud as well. It was well-known, since at least 2007, that these rigged “tests” would produce many false positives. The bogus tests served as a fear-driven marketing campaign for this inhumane Big Pharma profiteering racket, and a Surveillance State / Big Tech power grab.

It is a well-established systemic power dynamic that power-addicted interests always look to exploit global crises to consolidate power -- imperialism and “disaster capitalism” 101 -- and the consolidation of wealth and power during the lockdowns are unprecedented.

For one of many examples, while billions of people were locked down and buried in debt, billionaires exploited COVID policies to increase their wealth by $4 Trillion ($4000 billion), which increased their overall lifetime wealth by 54% - that is stunningly obscene pandemic profiteering!! Pathological shortsighted greed has run amok.

Another major facet of the COVID Crimes Against Humanity profiteering rackets was the use of Psychological Operations as a weapon of warfare. 

The A.I. machine-learned algorithmic manipulation of individual-specific confirmation biases, psychographic segmentation and behavioral micro-targeting dominated online activities, and the relentless repetition of orchestrated propaganda throughout the mainstream media, while people were locked down in a state of life and death fear, was devastatingly effective, and amounts to psychological torture on an unprecedented global scale, which in of itself is a Crime Against Humanity.

The blessing in disguise with COVID is that it blatantly exposed the entire corrupted global system. Any serious analysis of decision-making processes will definitively prove outrageous systemic corruption and Crimes Against Humanity.

Bottom line, the government agencies that were created to protect national civilian populations from predatory global interests have been captured and corrupted. The agencies that are supposed to protect us are now run by the predatory global interests that they are supposed to be protecting us from.  

None of this is rocket science, and there is no need for conspiracy theories.  It is all absurdly provable and blatant systemic decision-making processes.

The “too big to fail” doctrine has run amok. The Surveillance State has run amok!!

None Dare Speaketh

The most powerful global corporations have captured the systemic accountability mechanisms and under the guise of “National Security” now collude with the unaccountable Surveillance State to do whatever they want to amass power.

This is why we are now seeing increasingly inhumane profiteering rackets; they know they can get away with it.

If the Executive Branch and Congress weren’t clearly completely corrupt or criminally negligent, we would have a COVID Inspector General (IG) Task Force. An accountability army of IGs to investigate every move every government agency made, and the people responsible for those corrupt or shockingly inept decisions would be held accountable.  

Also, given the mountain of provable-in-court evidence, the Judicial Branch may be our best chance.  We urgently need high profile court cases.  There are some court cases on state and local levels; there are also court cases globally, but we need to put much more attention on them and get large-scale International Criminal Court and Supreme Court cases going.

We Are Under Systemic Attack

We have to overcome the systemic censorship operations and the highly advanced individual-specific targeting of our confirmation biases via Psychological Operations and behavioral micro-targeting.

We have to use our power in numbers to flood the gates of censorship.

Take it personally!!

This is a direct attack against you & your family!!

You can’t just ignore it. You & your family are under attack!!

In the next phase of this “systemic COVID attack,” they are coming after OUR CHILDREN with these highly experimental injections, which will be by far the most tragic part of this entire evil nightmare!!

Reflexively dismiss this as “conspiracy theory” at your own peril.

It’s all blatantly provable, once again:


In closing, apologies if I’m sounding too intense, using too many caps and exclamation points, or offending your sensibilities in any way. All of this is incredibly hard core! I am literally a refugee in a war zone typing this out as quickly as I can.

I am grateful to have a solid group of people around me… but we are not getting nearly enough attention or support, primarily due to the censorship operations and suppression tactics.

Obviously, trying to expose the most powerful systemic forces behind various aspects of this is no easy task, to say the absolute least. I’ve been through intense situations throughout my career, but this is next level evil.

Hopefully, after we effectively counter this attack and get some accountability, the day will come when I can write a book about everything that has been happening.

I am grateful to still be here & very grateful that you are aware enough to be reading this right now. The world needs your leadership!

Your family needs your leadership!

Don’t hesitate any longer, stand the fuck up, the war against us is 100% real!!!!

Every word is typed out of love & respect.

If you can afford to support our work, please consider donating here.

Every dollar seriously helps.

Much Gratitude & Love to All,

~ David DeGraw

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