Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Ten Years Ago: Unemployment [10th Anniversary of Economic Update with Richard Wolff]


The staggering failure in the last 10 years, that Economic Update has periodically talked about, has been the failure even to remember American history well enough to have instituted a federal jobs program. "We didn't have a federal jobs program, and the business community clapped, because their biggest fear, their worst nightmare, is a government offering good jobs to millions of unemployed people. Oh yes, on the 4th of July our business leaders give speeches about the wonders of competition, but they don't want competition from the government." - Richard Wolff To mark Economic Update's 10th anniversary year, Professor Wolff is revisiting relevant moments from 10 years ago to explore how capitalism, its defenders, and its critics have all changed. For the month of May, Prof Wolff takes a look at unemployment, an unnecessary state of suffering for Americans citizens, and our American society that so badly needs a wide array of work to be done.   Producing Economic Update has always depended on audience donations to the non-profit Democracy at Work. We’re here because of YOU, our enthusiastic audience. Thank you for your support. To help us grow for another 10 years, please consider becoming a monthly donor to Democracy at Work. Our monthly donors are invaluable to us, in that they allow us to plan for the future, and commit to bringing you more Economic Update. Learn about all the ways you can donate to Democracy at Work and support media like Economic Update on our website: https://www.democracyatwork.info/donate _____________________________________________________________________________________ Learn more about Prof Wolff's latest book, "The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself" Now also available as an eBook! www.democracyatwork.info/books “A blueprint for how we got here, and a plan for how we will rescue ourselves.” - Chris Hedges, American Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, New York Times best-selling author Check out Prof. Wolff's other books "Understanding Socialism" and "Understanding Marxism" http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/democra... _________________________________________________________________________________________ Want to help us translate and transcribe our videos? Learn about joining our translation team: http://bit.ly/2J2uIHH Jump right in: http://bit.ly/2J3bEZR Follow us ONLINE: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/economicupdate Websites: http://www.democracyatwork.info/econo... http://www.rdwolff.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EconomicUpdate http://www.facebook.com/RichardDWolff http://www.facebook.com/DemocracyatWrk Twitter: http://twitter.com/profwolff http://twitter.com/democracyatwrk Instagram: http://instagram.com/democracyatwrk Subscribe to our podcast: http://economicupdate.libsyn.com Shop our Store: http://bit.ly/2JkxIfy