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Billionaires are like Bruce Wayne, causing societal problems through their companies by day — then wearing Batman costumes to solve them philanthropically by night.
On @patriotact, @hasanminhaj just explained my book better than I can.
A master episode.
“The death of God, announced by Nietzsche in the 1880s, is still proving to be traumatic. In contrast, the death of Economic Man will be a balm to the soul.”
to see @winnerstakeall stand alongside other titles in this brilliant Paul Collier review.

Anand Giridharadas Retweeted
“Win-win sounds so great. What could be wrong with ‘doing well by doing good’?” In our new 5-minute animation @AnandWrites explains how charity from big companies and billionaires can get in the way of comprehensive solutions.
That clip was an excerpt from a clever animation made by @theRSAorg, explaining why Win-win-ism, which sounds so seductive, is trouble.
This is an honest disagreement we are having out loud.
Wine-cave America wants to believe it is possible to empower those below them without interfering with their own fun.
Others believe you can't benefit those down below without removing wine-cave America from their necks.
The core issue at stake for Democrats is Win-win-ism.
Do you believe you can do right by Americans locked in the basement of opportunity AND benefit the wine-cave class?
Or do you believe we need to curb the wealth and influence of wine-cave America to benefit basement America?
Anand Giridharadas Retweeted
Beware of people who want the world the way it is.
A British organization whose name includes the word “royal” made an animation explaining everything I’ve said about unaccountable plutocratic power (ahem), and it is excellent. I can’t confirm if Meghan Markle was involved.
Thanks, @theRSAorg!
Anand Giridharadas Retweeted
This is a great and deeply reported piece by @erikdamato that puts the growing backlash against mega-philanthropy and plutocracy more generally in the proper context.
Vital reading if you are a billionaire or are ruled by billionaires.
(That’s everyone.) …
Is philanthropy “unaccountable, nontransparent, corrosive to participatory democracy, predisposed to overcentralization, breeding of sycophancy and hubris, and by definition geared toward the desires and tastes of the rich, old and reactionary”?
@InsidePhilanthr on the backlash.
Anand Giridharadas Retweeted
“Me buying ice cream is an actual win-win situation. Feminism is not a win-win problem. A lot of men are going to have to lose a lot of power & privilege.” @AnandWrites on the limits of ‘win-win’ corporate solutions to social change in our new animation