Up next: a woman president.
John Norris, who worked for former Gov. Tom Vilsack and ran the campaign for 2004 caucus winner John Kerry, is in Cedar Rapids to introduce @ewarren. He just endorsed her: https://www.thegazette.com/subject/news/elizabeth-warren-endorsed-iowa-democrat-john-norris-20191220 … #IACaucus
This is Baby Brian with his parents.
Here’s how a wealth tax would’ve helped me and my family.
Elizabeth will create 10.6M new jobs to fight climate change & rebuild our economy w/ 100% clean energy.
Learn more:
“I’d also be the youngest woman ever elected President”
- Elizabeth Ann Warren, 9:18pm Eastern Standard Time, Thursday, December 19th, in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Nineteen

The transgender community has been marginalized in every way possible—and the president can lift up attention, lift up their voices, lift up their lives. I will do everything I can to make sure we are an America that leaves no one behind. #DemDebate
Warren has SPECIFICS on her disability plan -- she calls to fully fund IDEA, legislation passed in the 70s to provide a free & appropriate public education to special needs students. Currently, IDEA is not fully funded.
I just got off the #DemDebate stage, where I talked about the big, structural change we're going to make in 2020. Now, time to take some selfies! – at LMU - Gersten Pavilion
Elizabeth Warren would be the president America has needed for the last four decades, if not longer.
In her closing statement, Warren refers to this voter she met over the weekend in Washington, Iowa, who told her even an additional $200/month would allow her to buy toilet paper AND medication the same week.
Voters want a public option for prescription drugs. They are sick of getting soaked by #BigPharma. Our poll found that 71% would support @ewarren's Affordable Drug Manufacturing Act.
OH! I LOVE HER SO MUCH! @ewarren made me cry. She is in this fight to make the world a better place. I’m so proud to be in this fight with her. #DemDebate #WinWithWarren
As @ewarren rightly points out, forcing diabetics to ration insulin because they can’t afford it is a moral stain on our society. #DemDebate
.@ewarren called on my birthday (also $0)
We talked about my loan payments (1k/month), my parents (a social worker + a waiter turned teacher), & how organizing will change the world
She spends her time listening to working + middle class people's stories and her plans show it
From September: "A particularly important moment occurred when Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) took time to read aloud the names of the transgender women of color who have been murdered this year in the United States."
.@AdyBarkan did interviews today in the media center of the #DemDebate w/ @TheYoungTurks & @politico - on how health care is a basic human right & how @ewarren will use the tools available to provide medical care to as many Americans at the lowest costs as quickly as possible. https://twitter.com/adybarkan/status/1207827902370201602 …
Yes!!! @ewarren!!!!
- Funding IDEA
- Community based living
- Federal contractors not discriminating and paying people with disabilities equally
I keep coming back to this about @ewarren: This is a woman who DREAMED of being a special needs teacher, which says so much about how she values people and sees her place in the world.
"I will do everything I can to make sure that we are an America that leaves no one behind." - @ewarren
speaks passionately about her plan to address the issues faced by the transgender community. #DemocraticDebate #DemDebate #EmergeNow
Young people, the future of our country and the world, meeting our next President and the first woman President in our history.
The cost of this photo and Elizabeth Warren's time? $0