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Estamos construyendo una coalición multirracial que es lo suficientemente poderosa como para vencer a Trump. Únete a la representante @AOC para una reunión política en Nevada que se llevara a cabo en español.
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
En este movimiento es importante que todos sean parte de la conversación. Gracias a @AOC por participar del primer “townhall” en español para que todos sepan que @BernieSanders entiende que nuestras voces son importantes. ¡Que se repita! @Latinos4Bernie @NevadaforBernie
Bernie Sanders Retweeted

Bernie Sanders Retweeted
Holidays bring people together- so much so that we had overflow at the #Bernie2020 holiday dinner in Keene, NH! Thank you @RoKhanna @janeosanders & @BernieSanders for celebrating with us tonight! #NotMeUs #FITN – at Stonewall Farm
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
The political revolution is alive and well in Las Vegas.
Thank you to the thousands of people who joined me, @AOC, @CarmenYulinCruz, @MoTownPhenom and more at our rally last night.
We are going to win and build a nation based on justice in all its forms.
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
El movimiento que está construyendo @BernieSanders incluye gente de todos los rincones de la sociedad. Esta noche en Las Vegas comparte con @AOC con Bernie y conmigo para juntos construir un futuro mejor. @Latinos4Bernie @NevadaforBernie
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
“A couple weeks ago, I got to come to a town meeting here in Las Vegas, got to meet Bernie. And right away, as soon as I could see into his eyes, I could see that the man was a real fighter.” –@MoTownPhenom
We're the strongest campaign to defeat Trump because we believe in bringing people together, not dividing them up. Join me, @AOC, @CarmenYulinCruz and more live in Las Vegas:
My good friend @AOC and I are taking questions on her instagram page:
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
Sanders and @AOC are answering questions on Instagram Live ahead of tonight’s rally here in Vegas.
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
This is a labor of love. We plan on winning because of the deep organizing in every community, changing hearts and minds. No one should feel entitled to any community’s vote. The @BernieSanders Co-chairs are putting in the work 
cc: @RoKhanna @CarmenYulinCruz @YoBenCohen

Bernie Sanders Retweeted
.@BernieSanders Team Iowa House Party in Des Moines on a Saturday night...the Saturday night before Christmas...HELLO Somebody! Packed house indeed w/rainbow coalition of community leaders committed to change!

#Bernie2020 baby!

Bernie Sanders Retweeted
We shouldn't blame millennials for their financial distress.
We should blame and reverse the policies of the last 40 years which have:
-Rigged our economy for the rich
-Saddled young people with massive student debt
-Made health care unaffordable
We're not just trying to win an election. We're building a multiracial, intergenerational, working class movement that's will transform the country. Join me, @AOC, @youngthegiant, @localnatives, @jesseyjoy and more live in L.A.!
A handful of billionaires have spent hundred of millions of dollars buying elections and politicians.
Not our campaign.
I'm proud that we're the only campaign to have contributions from zero billionaires.
We represent working Americans, not the corporate elite.
I’ve been criticized for being an "alarmist" on climate change.
You’re damn right I’m an alarmist.
The scientists tell us we must act immediately to end our fossil fuel dependence, and that is what I'm going to do.
We will pass Medicare for All.
We will eliminate co-pays, premiums and deductibles.
We will make health care a right to all.
We will end the disgrace of a profit-driven system.