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A good morning for reading suggestions to help process fury. Because I wrote it, I’ll start with my book, Good and Mad, about the history & political power of women’s anger, now in paperback (& on sale in hardcover). BUT WAIT THERE’S LOTS MORE:
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
“Questions of gender are also about how broader perceptions of authority & authenticity are transmitted, & by whom, & what all of this tells us about who we are meant to trust & who we instinctively don’t.” - @rtraister #genderlens2020
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
Voter suppression isn’t a bug; it’s a feature for the GOP. Wisconsin, Georgia, Ohio, Michigan, name the competitive state, and I can tell you their plan. They’re just finally saying the quiet part out loud. @fairfightaction #FightVoterSuppression

Rebecca Traister Retweeted
“.. on Wednesday, the most diverse Congress in history declared that even the most powerful white man in the world should be bound by them. When Republicans act as if that’s a sacrilege, they show us what they worship.” By @michelleinbklyn
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
I am interested in the fact that Mayor Pete is mute when Bernie and Biden attack but goes into TED talk mode against the ladies.
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
if you think sanders’ quip about forms is silly think about the ways red states work to increase administrative burdens on people who want to utilize public services
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
It’s a problem that both the women want to ask for forgiveness for being passionate and direct. Absolutely not. #DemDebate
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
women: please forgive me for the time i was not nice
men: i give you the gift of my book
Both women asked for forgiveness for being angry. Huh.
Chris Cuomo just said he’d never seen Biden better than tonight and then explained “he was alert the whole time”
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
I miss @JulianCastro and his immigration plan. Everyone should just have said: "I'll listen to @JulianCastro on immigration." #DemDebate
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
Biden's answer on immigration is revisionist history. Let me just give one example: he notes that he have "cherry picked" from each country, which is a casual allusion to white supremacy. #DemDebate
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
Biden answers the reparations question by talking about immigrants coming here to work hard? What? What.
I really like your wine cave want to shake your money tree
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
I think my least favorite debate quality is "I'm the only one up here who's above all this." Just stop it. You're running for president. You're at the debate. Stop.
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
Folks on stage may have more money now, but none of them were handed a $200K/ year job after college.
That's just Pete.
“I know you’re an energetic guy” was ether I think?
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
If this is what Buttigieg thinks, why fight for campaign finance reform? If there’s no potential for corruption whats the point
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
pete buttigieg right now: “i’ll take anybody’s money if they’re givin’ it away”
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
if Pete wants to lecture someone who actually grew up working class that's his business, but I doubt it will go as well as he thinks
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
Is...he arguing that he likes money? Is that his argument to being accused of being bought and sold? #DemDebate
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
Pete is also the only person on the stage who grew up rich, i'm pretty sure.
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
attention politicians: lincoln’s “house divided” speech wasn’t a plea for bipartisanship, it was an argument that for resolving irrepressible conflict over fundamental issues of democracy.