David Sirota Retweeted
The lesser of two evils loses elections
The same old, same old = an uninhabitable planet
The healthcare status quo = 30K+ unnecessary deaths.
Unity around #MedicareForAll, #GreenNewDeal, #CollegeForAll, #HousingForAll, #JusticeForAll will generate the enthusiasm needed to win
We have 40 days left to work our asses off to make sure @BernieSanders wins the Iowa caucuses — pass it on
Merry Christmas to the multiracial working-class movement that is powering the @BernieSanders campaign and that will defeat the billionaire class in 2020
Still thinking about #DarkWaters, and how the chemical industry basically poisoned everyone in order to sell lots of no-stick frying pans that are slightly easier to clean
David Sirota Retweeted
The Pete for America Innovation Team out there working hard on Christmas Eve coming up with gimmicks to lower his average donation amount this quarter. Funny stuff.
I just watched @MarkRuffalo’s terrific film #DarkWaters. This quote is so much worse once you’ve seen that movie 

David Sirota Retweeted
How do you say flip-flop in Norwegian?
"the compromise position is a single-payer system where you have private doctors but a public payer," Mayor Pete, 2-14-19
"Single-payer, which is very much a compromise position ... that's the middle ground," Mayor Pete, 4-1-19
David Sirota Retweeted
PITCH IN: Trump says he will be campaigning to help the Colorado GOP take over our state. Please click here to pitch in to our grassroots small-donor committee to help us fight back. Anything you can pitch in is a big help - and please retweet! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/progressivevaluessdc2020 … #copolitics
David Sirota Retweeted
2019 has been a wild year for our family. We went from @EmilyForCO’s campaign into her 1st year in the legislature, as I jumped to @BernieSanders’ campaign. Amid all the (inevitable) insults thrown at us in these jobs, I wanna thank all who’ve been so supportive. Happy holidays!