- So many lies to uncover in Venezuela. That's why BAP is joining a delegation of U.S. peace organizations to gather information from the Venezuelan people. READ and RT
https://blackallianceforpeace.com/newsletter/uncoveringusliesinvenezuela … Photo credit: @peoplesdispatch
- The United States is infected with the sickness of Manifest Destiny, says BAP member and Black Agenda Report editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley (@freedomrideblog)
- Black Alliance for Peace RetweetedAt #UN, @Blacks4Peace and other American organizations plan to visit #Venezuela on 10 March. “We will find out what is really happening.” – at United Nations
- The U.S. recolonization of Africa is connected to the police repression of Black people in the United States. Sign + RT our petition calling for #USoutofAfrica!
- On Saturday, BAP members in cities including Baltimore, Minneapolis, Philadelphia and New York came out and spoke up against the racist U.S. intervention in Venezuela. #HandsOffVenezuela #23feb
The United States has declared war on Black people—abroad with the military occupation of Africa and domestically with the transfer of military hardware to police who brutally repress Black communities. Sign + RT our petition to say #USoutofAfrica
- Black Alliance for Peace RetweetedPhiladelphia action #NoWarOnVenezuela #HandsOffVenezuela Asantewaa exposing the connection of Zionism and regime change in Latin America. She is a member of Black Alliance For Peace @Blacks4Peace
Rally for Venezuela today! Check out how to get involved
https://blackallianceforpeace.com/newsletter/rallyforvenezuelatoday … #HandsOffVenezuela #23Feb
- BREAKING: Black Alliance for Peace says struggles in Haiti
and Venezuela
are connected. READ and RETWEET
https://blackallianceforpeace.com/bapstatements/haiti …
- Venezuela is a litmus test for the anti-war and anti-imperialist movement. Read more in this week's newsletter
https://blackallianceforpeace.com/newsletter/venezuelalitmustest …