Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Some Tweets from David Sirota

David Sirota is the speech writer for candidate Bernie Sanders.

  • A big story that won't even be mentioned in media: the health care industry has aired ads demonizing Medicare for All & the result is a new poll showing Medicare for All is MORE popular & other polls showing voters see as the most trusted on the health care issue.

  • This hard-hitting New York Times headline exposed a huge scandal: yes, alas, it is true -- has always been in the pocket of Big Poor.
  • Statement of the obvious: inside corporate America, mundane stuff like spreadsheets, algorithms & Powerpoint plans are often the sanitized weapons that do terrible things to lots of people, while enriching the boss. We learned that during Enron & the financial crisis, remember?
  • Still the best tweet on this website

  • Bernie's opponents when they see the media ignoring him and denigrating him, and yet he stays on message and surges in the polls

  • Democratic corporatists and billionaires insisting they really want to fight the status quo and take on the establishment
  • For my entire journalism career, I hid the fact that I worked for 20 years ago by putting it in my official biography on my public website.
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    Here’s a thread I wrote about Dovere earlier this year. Certainly looks as if he accused David Sirota of unethical behavior without any proof or substantiation. Several other outlets seriously contested his claims after

  • Brand new Iowa poll from Emerson: Biden 23% (even) Sanders 22% (+9) Buttigieg 18% (+2) Warren 12% (-11) Klobuchar 10% (+9) Booker 4% (+1) Steyer 3% (+1) Everyone else at 2% or below
  • This is true.
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    Replying to 
    Probably a coincidence.
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    It brings me no joy that my hunch that advised Blue Cross Blue Shield in the run-up to layoffs and rate hikes, was revealed to be right. Campaign spin aside, as a former insurance exec I know what that work really entails, and it is devastating. (1/7)

  • Some of the most prominent people who have been publicly attacking Medicare for All often seem to have direct ties to the health insurance industry that makes large profits off the current corporate system.
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    National RCP (Real Clear Politics) Poll: Biden 30% Sanders 23% Warren 12% Buttigieg 6% Yang 4% Bloomberg/Booker/Steyer/Gabbard 2% Bullock/Bennet/Klobuchar/Patrick 1%
  • Younger folks know that their future is on the line in this election. They know that we must elect the candidate with the most serious plan to combat the climate crisis that threatens their survival. And they know who their candidate is👇

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    Vote like your life and the future of this planet depends on it. Because it absolutely does. We're gonna win this thing. Pass it on.

  • Lots of politicians get cash from health industry execs & return the favor by berating Medicare for All. These politicians never mention that the corporate system they defend now requires many cancer victims to have "cancer fundraisers" to stay alive 👇
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    Please tune in to our film tonight on FRONTLINE.

  • Knowing about McKinsey, and now reading many more stories about McKinsey, only furthers my longstanding belief that this is McKinsey:
  • The new Real Clear Politics poll shows 57% of Americans support a Medicare for All program "that will eliminate all private health insurance companies." That's a jump of 2 points since May. New poll: May poll: (h/t )
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    NEW: When campaigning for Indiana state treasurer, Pete Buttigieg swore off bank money, citing the “conflict of interest” Now, he’s raking in cash from bank executives — many of them heavily involved in financing the fossil fuel industry
  • As super PACs try to stop Bernie’s campaign, Bernie has continued to reject super PACs, he rejects closed-door big-dollar fundraisers & he has never worked on behalf of corporate interests. He's also not a billionaire who is trying to buy the election.
  • Colorado towns are restricting the oil/gas industry's power to put fracking rigs next to homes & schools -- now you have a GOP senator trying to help his oil/gas donors by slamming the laws that let his own constituents protect themselves & their families from toxic pollution.👇

  • Counterpoint: "The climate crisis is already hurting our health & could burden generations to come with lifelong health problems...It could challenge already overwhelmed health systems & undermine much of the medical progress made in the last century"

  • Two billionaires have spent $86 million on their campaigns -- that's almost 6 times the amount all other candidates have spent COMBINED. Billionaires are trying to buy the election -- and isn't having it.
  • As now intensifies his anti-corruption message, remember that Bernie: ✅ doesnt get cash from billionaires, fossil fuel execs, or pharma/insurance execs ✅ doesnt have a super PAC ✅ has never worked on behalf of corporate interests
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    No second place in this poll, sorry!

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    Right now- CM is hosting a AMA.. when asked by a questioner about when he first learned about Sanders-- Shakir responds with a link to the "Profile In Courage" Essay on Sanders the Mayor wrote in 2000.
  • I obviously blame my arachnophobia on Indiana Jones & Sapito, who never shoulda gone into that shrine.
  • Some good personal news: The in-laws just moved into our home and are helping us with child care the rest of the campaign. The less-than-good news: they brought their pet, and I've had arachnophobia since I was a kid.
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    When Pete Buttigieg was a high school senior, he wrote a prizewinning essay praising Bernie Sanders. Here, we republish the essay in full.
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    The movement is growing Thank you !

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    The science is clear that the fossil-fuel industry has to cease to exist in the next 20-30 years. It’s obvious that the GOP is going to demagogue every stage of its decline. Journalists can either be a pawn in this game or supply the relevant vital context

  • Here I’ll play it out for you: Bernie’s gonna win.

  • Buttigieg’s sudden attacks on Bernie’s college-for-all plan come at exactly the moment the WashPost reports that “Wall Street donors have a new favorite candidate in the 2020 Democratic presidential field: Pete Buttigieg.”