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When I met John, a veteran, a few months ago, he had $139,000 in medical debt.
Thankfully today he is doing much better.
We must eliminate all medical debt—and when our veterans come home, they must receive the best quality health care this country can provide them.
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
We need you here in Iowa...not in January, right now! We’re aiming to knock 35,000+ doors this weekend and we need your help.
Can you drive here this weekend? Take a bus? Book a train ticket?
Go to and find an office nearest you.
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
This is a big deal.
Thank you @CPDAction for endorsing @BernieSanders for President!
Together we will fight for an advanced, multiracial society that centers the working class.
Thrilled to be in this together 

Bernie Sanders Retweeted
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
Opinion | Don’t Think @BernieSanders Can Win? You Don’t Understand His Campaign - @KeeangaYamahtta @nytimes
You did that Professor! 

Future historians will say it was the young people like the leaders of @usclimatestrike who built the movement we desperately needed to pass a Green New Deal and save our planet.
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
Today I’m celebrating my 18th birthday by registering to vote and doing EVERYTHING I can to elect @BernieSanders as the next president of the United States!
We need all hands on deck for #Bernie2020 , so join me by downloading the #BERN app …

Bernie Sanders Retweeted
It’s because immigrant youth fight for justice, black workers demand fair pay, women stand in their power, that I know we can build the country of our dreams.
Today 500,000 of us at @CPDAction are joining millions to build this country alongside Tio @BernieSanders
Campaign Manager @fshakir is taking your questions on Reddit now. Join here: …
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
John Weigel was at a Sanders town hall in September and told the crowd he was contemplating suicide after being saddled with medical debt to treat Huntington’s disease. Today, he and @BernieSanders reunited:
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
Like Uncle @BernieSanders says, despair is not an option.
You have to believe something is possible before you can achieve it. Hopelessness and despair will get us nowhere.
We know that we can avert the climate crisis and shape a better future.
We won't give up either.
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
Proud to report @CPDAction is endorsing @BernieSanders. Our network of grassroots social movement orgs - 600K families - has united behind a bold vision for racial/economic/climate justice, to work with Sen. Sanders to win the WH & social transformation.
I’m proud to be endorsed by @CPDAction. Together we’re going to build a movement for racial, social and economic justice made up of working class Americans that will bring millions of people together and transforms our country so it works for all of us.
The American people have been ripped off by pharmaceutical companies for too long.
Some politicians are willing to allow that.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
We're going to end pharma's greed and cap out-of-pocket prescription drug costs at $200 a year.
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
We're going to win this election not because we have billionaire donors. We don't. We're going to win this election because we have something more powerful than big money: the people on our side. Live now from Reno:
Bernie Sanders Retweeted
You might recall @scottdetrow talking in a previous pod episode about this emotional moment when a vet at a Sanders rally in Nevada talked about feeling like he could commit suicide because of his high medical bills.
The story has an update.