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$50,000.00 Whistleblower Award offered in Attkisson v. DOJ/FBI for govt. computer intrusions. Please RT
@TheJusticeDept won't hold those accountable for govt. spying on me, so I'm self-funding fight for justice.
(Reposted due to reported Internet interruptions.)
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Forced to pay? Find out what's coming up Sunday on Full Measure. …
POLL: Vote Now! After Horowitz report do media owe Trump an apology... or does Trump owe media an apology? Vote at home page (look for black box on right sidebar or scroll way down on mobile site).
You do know that @TheJusticeDept already turned down a referral from the Inspector General to prosecute @Comey for allegedly leaking/mishandling classified info/govt docs re: Trump?
First person to comment on this tweet to correctly identify the colorful, noisy birds... gets a free signed copy of "The Smear" mailed to them (in continental US) if they want it.
Exit polls: Big win for Britain's Boris and Brexit …
Not to go off on a tangent but I'm pretty sure Chips Ahoy cookies are about 1/3 smaller than when I was a kid.
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Pervasive resentment about attempts to overturn the Brexit result contributed to this outcome. Whatever lesson exists for the US, it's not about "going too far left," it's about perceptions of overturning a democratic election result. Impeachment advocates may want to take notice
I have friends who agree they are super far right or left or devoted to a cause. They have no problem discussing politics civilly (though we don't talk much politics). I also have a few friends who are struggling in this arena. Still, most aren't like what's seen on the news.
I think the Rice Krispies treat recipe has changed from when I was a kid. I'm sure it used to call for more marshy and more butter. I added some extra recently and thought it still seemed dry but some people liked it that way. They said it was so good and crunchy! 

Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Former Attorney General Eric Holder called AG William Barr "unfit" for his post in a Washington Post op-ed.
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
The Federal government will now give 12 weeks of paid family leave to all of its employees—major progress on one of President @realDonaldTrump's promises as a candidate!