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We haven’t qualified for the debate just yet.
I still need your support to secure the polls needed to get on stage. Help us get there.

Last month I said that I don’t believe Iowa or New Hampshire should vote first—sparking a lively debate in our party.
This Tuesday I’ll hold a townhall in Iowa to hear from voters why they agree or disagree.
Join me: …
Julián Castro Retweeted
I’m a ways out from endorsing a candidate... but here are just two of the reasons I donated this week to @JulianCastro to help keep him in the race—and why we need his voice on the next debate stage. #HandsOffSNAP #CripTheVote
Julián Castro Retweeted
It's time to get @JulianCastro on the ballot!
VIRGINIA, #TeamJulián is coming together to collect signatures all week long. Sign up to join us!
Today's events:
Arlington -
Richmond -
ALL events -

Julián Castro Retweeted
.@JulianCastro is back in Iowa next week and making the rounds. You have 6 opportunities to join:
Wapello (12/9)
Fort Madison (12/9)
Ottumwa (12/10)
Des Moines (12/10)
Grinnell (12/11)
Iowa City (12/11)
Event details + registration: #IAcaucus

Read my vision to advance to new American leadership and pursue a more peaceful world:
The current administration is more interested in photo-ops with dictators than progress on nuclear nonproliferation.
Julián Castro Retweeted
.@JulianCastro: "My interest in going into public service really sprung out of how can I make sure that more people have the kind of opportunity that I was blessed with."
This is unacceptable. Deescalation should be the #1 priority in all encounters, especially if someone has a disability.
My policing plan would ensure this, and hold officers accountable for instances like this. Read it here: …
Julián Castro Retweeted
Read this thread and ask yourself why @JulianCastro is the only candidate with a plan to fundamentally reform our foster care system.
Julián Castro Retweeted
“Yo creo que los demócratas podemos luchar por la clase media”, dice @JulianCastro, el único latino candidato en las primarias demócratas, cuya campaña se está fijando en grupos olvidados y sirve de advertencia a la deriva elitista del partido