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Today's #HearTheBern is a banger!
I spoke to NFL player & champion poster Justin Jackson (@J_ManPrime21) & left media rock star @RealTimBlack about Bernie's Black outreach & why his message is resonating.
I'm also v proud of the intro, where I make the case against Bloomberg.
Bernie has more union support than every single candidate on that stage COMBINED.
Last year, Pete asked striking workers how much money they had left in their strike fund.

Someone tell Bloomberg that the winning coalition is already here. And it's with Bernie.
Biggest crowds
Most donations
Biggest margins over Trump
Most volunteers
Highest fundraising
Highest favorables
Most diverse constituency
Most union endorsements

Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
"Raise your hand if Bernie leads among your racial demographic group!"
*Everyone raises their hands*


Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
I preemptively present this to you in anticipation of the completely predictable, totally fabricated "Bernie was not sufficiently loyal to Obama at an early enough time" attack that will probably be manufactured at tonight's #DemocraticDebate.
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
The clip they don't want you to see:
Bernie, the Democratic Socialist, is leading with Black voters, Latino voters, and White voters despite the fear-mongering moderates' best efforts.
The people are winning.
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
VIDEO: @MikeBloomberg called for raising the Social Security/Medicare age & pushed higher Medicare/Medicaid co-pays "so people think twice & only do things that are necessary" rather than using more healthcare services …
Transcript: …
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
October 3rd - Bernie has stents placed
October 24th - Bernie says he'll release full medical records before the end of the year.
December 30th -- Bernie releases full medical records before the end of the year.
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
Im a healthy 33 year old/camp. photog for @BernieSanders. Following him around has been the most physically strenuous thing I’ve ever done, and my muscles feel like jello at the end of the day - yet a 78 year old does it with ease.
But yeah sure, go off and say he’s too old 

Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
Mike Bloomberg ran a "Demographics Unit" that spied on ordinary Muslim Americans, their businesses, restaurants, cafes and mosques in the northeast USA, not just NYC. They used "mosque crawlers" and "rakers" and targeted "ancestries of interest."
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
The Bernie Sanders campaign fulfilled their promise and released the medical information they said they would - in the same format as other candidates’ medical records - exactly when they said they would do it. These are the facts, which are recognized by honest reporters.
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
Rep. @AOC says Sen. Sanders inspired her to run for office and explains why she’s endorsing him: “We want to talk about health care... a living wage... women’s rights... he did this when it was least convenient.”
“He was fighting for these things since before I was even born.”
Fifty-one days ago, Bernie released his full medical records -- the same as or more than every other major candidate.
If you trade in smears that ignore clearly identifiable facts and evidence, you're gonna have to be honest about the bedfellows you've chosen.
Story of the day: Bernie is #1 with all major demographic groups. He is the #RainbowCoalition candidate.
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
Using this moment to attack the most diverse, working class constituency in this race as "BernieBros" is a troubling choice, but not an unexpected one given the claims of racial & sexual harassment that Bloomberg will surely be forced to defend tonight.
“Before he was elected mayor in 2001, Michael R. Bloomberg had surgery to have two stents implanted in a coronary artery because of blockage in his heart, a person with knowledge of Mr. Bloomberg’s health said last night.”
I mispoke when I said Bloomberg had a heart attack. Rather, he underwent the same stent procedure as Bernie. Bernie released 3 detailed medical reports in December — just like the other candidates.
So proud to announce the official endorsement of #HearTheBern guest @christine4world -- the first Trans gubernatorial nominee!
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
Writing in Teen Vogue, I got to make The Queer Case for Bernie Sanders—because @BernieSanders "has a vision for our future as a nation that creates a possibility for queer liberation." 

Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
It’s always interesting to see a false media narrative get started right before your eyes.
Both candidates did the exact same thing: they released summary reports/letters from their physicians.
Briahna Joy Gray Retweeted
Bernie is THE Social Security candidate.
Bloomberg avoided the four early states so he could avoid awkward person to person questions from voters, like, why did you push for cutting Social Security?