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I told the NY Times that “my principles don’t change with the job I’m in” and I think that’s proven to be true over the last 20 yrs. It hasn’t been a perfect career — but I’ve tried hard to live my values. Thanks to everyone for the support. Onward.
David Sirota Retweeted
"I switched from the Biden campaign to the Sanders campaign because I want to see the kind of lines around the building that we saw in 2008." –@MyersDalhi
David Sirota Retweeted
this is maybe the most tendentious bull**it "fact check" I have ever read, and that is saying a lot
Comments from @MikeBloomberg pushing cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid are important, considering Bloomberg News' Steve Dennis reports: "McConnell has told me he hopes to work with next Dem President to trim Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid" … …
This is one of a number of statements @MikeBloomberg has made pushing the idea of Social Security & Medicare cuts -- cuts that @BernieSanders has always opposed.
See here for others Bloomberg statements: …
NEW VIDEO: @MikeBloomberg said on Fox News in 2011: "We cannot continue to say we've got to cut, but we can't touch Medicare & Medicaid, Social Security, defense."
He also said he opposed efforts at the time to raise taxes on the wealthy.
Transcript: …
David Sirota Retweeted
Bernie Sanders just said on CNN that the last book he read was "The Uninhabitable Earth" by @dwallacewells.
It's a very important book -- I highly recommend it.
David Sirota Retweeted
The amount of vitriol spewed at two journalists who now work for a presidential campaign because they dare to direct people to publicly-available information about rival candidates in a critical way is just astounding.
This is a complete embarrassment on every level -- the folks at @Politifact have turned "fact checking" into "do not believe the verifiable facts that you can literally see right before your very own eyes" …
David Sirota Retweeted
Bloomberg is on tape unambiguously calling for Social Security cuts.
This rating - which @PolitiFact arrived at by talking to an austerity think tank - is utterly wrong, and does a disservice to the institution of factchecking.
David Sirota Retweeted
Must-watch CNN segment on @MikeBloomberg pushing cuts to Social Security & Medicare - and pushing to make medical care more expensive for low-income families.
@BernieSanders has always opposed this agenda - he has pushed to expand Social Security & guarantee health care to all.
David Sirota Retweeted
Really think about it — 28 years after a movie literally called “The War Room” we now have Dem elites portraying honest, civil, fact-based rapid response as abhorrent toxicity that must be stopped …
After the financial crisis, @MikeBloomberg defended Wall Street execs and blamed the crisis on poor people:
“It was not the banks that created the mortgage crisis.” …
“We always tend to blame the wrong people. We blame the banks.” …
David Sirota Retweeted
Here's billionaire @MikeBloomberg saying the poor should be made to pay more for medical care:
"There’s a way to have more co-pay on Medicaid which will do two things: one, the users of the service will pay a little more. But two, they’ll think twice before they use services.”
NEW VIDEO: @MikeBloomberg pushed for Social Security & Medicare cuts -- and for deliberately making the poor pay more for medical care
The reason pundits & oligarchs are obsessing over tweets & ignoring major issues like climate change & the healthcare crisis is because @BernieSanders is surging in the polls with his campaign to fight climate change & pass Medicare for All.
Thanks for attending my TED talk.
David Sirota Retweeted
When Bloomberg News's reporting on China was challenged, Bloomberg tried to ruin me for speaking out by Leta Hong Fincher
David Sirota Retweeted

David Sirota Retweeted
This morning, I went looking for @MikeBloomberg's financial disclosure -- and found that unlike all the other candidates he hadn't filed one yet
What does this guy worth $60 billion own, who wants to be president?
He hasn't told us yet...