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For nearly 50 years, @JoeBiden has publicly pretended to have been a part of the Civil Rights Movement.
He's not "exaggerating" or "embellishing," he is creating entire fictional storylines to impress white liberals & connect w/ Black voters.
It must be confronted
A thread...
Shaun King Retweeted
Shaun King Retweeted
Shaun King Retweeted
This is when Bloomy was the guest speaker at the Trump family reunion. Jared loved it so much!
Shaun King Retweeted
Shaun King Retweeted
Shaun King Retweeted
Here is @MikeBloomberg and @realDonaldTrump telling jokes about all of the women they’ve sexually harassed across the years.
They can’t BUH-lieve how much they’ve gotten away with.
Shaun King Retweeted
A thread.
It’s mighty rich (pun intended) and dishonest of @MikeBloomberg to call @BernieSanders a buddy of Donald Trump.
Bloomberg & Trump are LIFELONG BUDDIES.
Here they are holding hands. 

Shaun King Retweeted
Shaun King Retweeted
At front of line for Bernie Sanders Tacoma rally: Remington Schroyer, 19, of Bellingham. He arrived at 9 a.m. - for 7 p.m. event. Doesn’t necessarily consider himself a Democrat. If Sanders not nominee he’d vote for Warren, but not Bloomberg or Buttigieg #waelex
Shaun King Retweeted
We're pumped to open for another @BernieSanders rally! This one in Tacoma. Feeling the Bern, Still!
If you haven't seen it, check out our endorsement of Bernie Sanders for President: …
#Bernie2020 #NotMeUs
Shaun King Retweeted
What was that about "Bernie Bros" ? Natives Americans here to support @BernieSanders here in Tacoma. #bernieinwa
Shaun King Retweeted
In line to see Bernie Sanders at the Tacoma Dome. Lines to each entrance stretch multiple blocks and some people said they're worried they won't get in. #waelex – at Tacoma Dome
Shaun King Retweeted
The campaign had originally planned to hold the rally in a space that could fit 5000 people
Then volunteers did turnout
Tonight 11,400 people showed up
Join the text team to help force the advance team to get bigger venues:
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Shaun King Retweeted
Shaun King Retweeted
Shaun King Retweeted
Shaun King Retweeted
Shaun King Retweeted
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