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Wow - you all made #OnFire a @nytimes bestseller in its first week in the world!!!
Special love to all the students, teachers + parents who used the book as a primer for the #ClimateStrike.
You are why I write.

Naomi Klein Retweeted
Naomi Klein Retweeted
The escalating debate over “green investment”—what counts, who benefits, who pays the bill—is the political & class conflict of our era. Social movements & political allies must shape the terms of debate, or else green capitalists & their allies will
Naomi Klein Retweeted
Naomi Klein Retweeted
Naomi Klein Retweeted
Must watch trailer for a powerful forthcoming film @EllenPage, based on game-changing work by @iwaldron2165
It has never been more urgent that we look squarely at the reality of environmental racism.
This will be powerful fuel for #WetsuwetenSolidarity
Naomi Klein Retweeted
Rep. @AOC says Sen. Sanders inspired her to run for office and explains why she’s endorsing him: “We want to talk about health care... a living wage... women’s rights... he did this when it was least convenient.”
“He was fighting for these things since before I was even born.”
Your morning #NotOurOligarch dispatch (cuz we don't have oligarchs....) #StopBloomberg #BernieBeatsTrump
Naomi Klein Retweeted
In under 3 years, the United States restructured the entire economy in order to win World War II and defeat fascism.
If we could do that, then we can certainly address the climate crisis.
With a Green New Deal we can create 20 million good jobs and transform our energy system.
Naomi Klein Retweeted
the game here is to keep stoking the most trumped-up narrative in politics forever just to score points with whatever choir they’re preaching to, but what’s the argument exactly? That Bernie should issue campaign statements admonishing every rude tweet individually?
Naomi Klein Retweeted
Sen. Bernie Sanders says that rival Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg doesn't have "the right to buy this election," calling his strategy of skipping the early contests “a bit obscene.” #CNNTownHall
Naomi Klein Retweeted
I have never voted for a candidate in my life.
But I will be voting for Bernie Sanders in the democratic primary and the general election. If I’m doing that, there are probably tens of millions in that same position.
Let me explain why I’m doing this now:
Naomi Klein Retweeted
Naomi Klein Retweeted
Must-watch CNN segment on @MikeBloomberg pushing cuts to Social Security & Medicare - and pushing to make medical care more expensive for low-income families.
@BernieSanders has always opposed this agenda - he has pushed to expand Social Security & guarantee health care to all.
Naomi Klein Retweeted
I am one of the many women Mike Bloomberg’s company tried to silence through nondisclosure agreements. My story for @theintercept