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A good morning for reading suggestions to help process fury. Because I wrote it, I’ll start with my book, Good and Mad, about the history & political power of women’s anger, now in paperback (& on sale in hardcover). BUT WAIT THERE’S LOTS MORE:
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
I have conveyed everything that's in this thread to the book's publishers and to my own editors at Simon & Schuster, and have asked for my recipe to be removed from future editions. But that doesn't fix anything. I'm very sorry. 9/9
These are questions I ask of my subjects all the time. I asked them of a conservative politician in a long reported piece this week. Today I'm asking them of myself and the answers aren't good. I did it because it was easy & I didn't think about who it would benefit or harm. 8/9
This was a case of me exercising exactly that unconscious ease: I was asked; I didn't ask questions; I just said yes, to be accommodating! and helpful!...but to whom? and to whose benefit? 7/9
I write a lot about privileged white women and the total unconscious ease with which we take up space that's not ours--space that was in fact often carved out by people furious in part at our abuses of power and privilege. 6/9
In her piece, @tangerinejones describes the challenge of imputing ill motives on "well-intended white women" who feign ignorance; I realize how easy it is to fall back on that myself and I don't want to do that here. 5/9
I was distressed to learn that I was part of a project that didn’t credit or acknowledge her work, but her essay made me think not just about the fact that I was a participant in appropriation. It also made me consider how passive and easy it was for me to participate. 4/9
When I read @tangerinejones Medium essay this morning I was livid, in large part because the issues she raises strike at the heart of issues of race, privilege and appropriation that I write about at length in Good & Mad. 3/9
Last spring, I was asked to contribute a recipe, because of my book Good & Mad; the publisher of this book and my publisher share a parent company. I agreed to submit a recipe, and they excerpted my book. I didn't think anything more of it. 2/9
A thread in response to this powerful piece of criticism and analysis from @tangerinejones. She's writing about a book called Rage Baking, to which I was a contributor: … 1/9
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
The new @rtraister is equal parts a look at Susan Collins, and a look at how people toe the power/victimhood line in 2020
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
Betsy DeVos was confirmed in a tie breaker. If Bloomberg hadn’t boosted & funded GOP Senator Pat Toomey to victory, we could have prevented Betsy DeVos from becoming Education Secretary. #BloombergIsARepublican
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
Rebecca Traister Retweeted
Want to name some truth: @ewarren is modeling what accountability should look like in electoral politics. @BlackWomxnFor is demanding what is required in this moment & I’m grateful for their leadership in this space. No matter who your candidate is, read the @TeenVogue piece. 

Rebecca Traister Retweeted
“No matter your candidate of choice, I urge the political take full advantage of the moment our movements have created & build a durable accountability mechanism for political leaders w/o delay.”