And what was the strategy under your boss Obama’s administration? Giving arms, money and training to the jihadist terrorists who sought to topple Syria’s secular government and replace it with a Saudi-Arabia-style regime? #SyriaStrikes
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
“The al-Qaeda linked group which originated the claims of a government orchestrated chemical attack on civilians in Syria’s Douma, called the Army of Islam, is and has always been state sponsored by Saudi Arabia.” #Syria #SyriaStrikes
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
This is why we have PERPETUAL WAR, cuz "News" anchors are stenographers to power. Can you imagine covering Iraq & Libya and then tweeting something like this? News media is as bad if not worse than when we went into Iraq, these are the willing tools of warmongers with zero shame.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
No congressional approval. No international consensus. No investigation of the alleged chemical attack and no evidence of the Syrian government being behind it either. Shameful. #Syria #SyriaStrikes
Leave it to John McCain to keep the drums of war beating. He won’t be satisfied until the secular Syrian government is overthrown and his jihadist buddies declare a new caliphate from Damascus. Lunacy. #Syria #SyrianStrikes
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Save it, Power. If you were so concerned about Syrian civilians being massacred, you and the rest of the Obama administration wouldn’t have backed jihadist death squads from the start. #Syria #SyriaStrikes
John McCain, who has backed the jihadist gangs tearing Syria apart from day one, literally applauds the illegal military strikes on Syria and typically calls for even more war. Color me shocked.
“Damascus has come under attack by the US, France and the UK at a time when Syria is returning to peaceful life, after battling a terrorist aggression for years.” #Syria #SyriaStrikes
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
... so refugees can return home & begin to rebuild their lives, then we should work for peace, end our policy of interventionist regime change wars and stop trying to be the policeman of the world. (2/2)
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
The people of Syria desperately want to live in peace & do not want their country to be taken over by genocidal terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS. If we are truly concerned about the suffering of the Syrian people & bringing about peace & stability ... (1/2)
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Reports emerging that terrorists are using the air strikes as cover to make gains and attack the civilians of Damascus, including Christian neighborhoods. #Syria #SyriaStrikes
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Predictably, America's foreign policy mavens are uniting to praise Trump. The most vivid reflection of the sickness of US political culture is how easy it is to get its elites to switch from "he's a maniacal monster with dementia" to "I'm behind our Leader": just bomb someone
My heart is with the people of beautiful Damascus tonight. For seven years, they’ve fought and warded off terrorism. They will overcome this terrible aggression as well.
#Syria #SyriaStrikes