Monday, October 07, 2019

Some Tweets from David Sirota

  • Worth adding: private equity firms rely on government workers’ pension money to finance their corporate takeover deals, which enrich private equity executives and often result in mass layoffs.
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    Payday lenders are hosting a big-money Trump fundraiser today, keynoted by Mike Pence—a “thank you” for the Trump pushing millions more consumers into the payday loan debt trap.
  • Oh by the way — America gives private equity moguls a lucrative carried interest tax loophole that makes them even richer when they are gutting companies and laying people off 👇🏻
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    Was a hard adjustment, but I’ve been taking ’s advice lately and not bringing my phone into the bedroom when I go to sleep. Just charge it in the kitchen. I fall asleep reading a book; and when I wake up I get to spend a few moments with my own brain. Recommended.
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    Last year, for the first time on record, the 400 wealthiest Americans paid a lower total tax rate than any other income group.
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    The guiding principle of my public service will always be to do the most good for those who are least able to fight for themselves. Why I’ve Fought To Protect Public Education by Nina Turner
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    : I am proud to fight every day for a leader who has put forward the most progressive social and economic agenda in modern American history...the represents my longstanding commitment to public schools and teachers.
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    Today’s proof that southeast Denver is awesome. Congrats to !
  • The lumberjack is Fixed Heart Bernie, the tree is the GOP
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    Live shot of Bernie’s recovery this week
  • A class act.