Sunday, August 23, 2020

Dissolve the racist bloodsoaked NRA



The NRA is an institution of white supremacy, as immoral as it is corrupt. The New York Attorney General and the DC Attorney General are now suing for misusing charitable funds and to dissolve it completely.

ADD YOUR NAME: say Black Lives Matter. Dissolve the NRA.


The NRA is a menace. Americans of all stripes disapprove of the NRA, with Black people disapproving most strongly.1

The National Rifle Association--which has advocated for an insurrectionist interpretation of the Second Amendment, has a long history of terrorizing Black people. It does so both explicitly--in whipping up violence against Black people as a way to sell guns--and speciously--by becoming gun control advocates the minute Black people also were ready to bear arms.2

After all: if the NRA really is an organization intent on protecting the gun rights of all Americans, where were they when Philando Castille--a legal gun owner--was murdered by a police officer for mentioning that he had a registered firearm in his car? Where were they when an authoritarian police force brutalized Black Lives Matter protesters? Any good faith defender of the second amendment would have seen that as an essential time for its application.

But the NRA does not exist to protect private citizens’ rights against an authoritarian state. They exist to capitalize on racialized white terrorism, and for the personal enrichment of NRA leadership. The NRA has broken the law repeatedly, and we say good riddance!

Stand with New York Attorney General Letitica James and DC Attorney General Karl Racine: Sign now: Dissolve the NRA!


Liz Havstad
Hip Hop Caucus


Hip Hop Caucus
1638 R Street, NW #120, Washington, DC 20009

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