Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Voices for the voiceless



Racial justice means justice for Black workers, and no workers can have justice without a right to collective bargaining. Union participation has created equity and freedom for so many Black families--and prosperity for Black people means taking step TOWARD the labor movement, not away from it.

On Labor Day in 2020, the Year of Truth, we ask you to join us in supporting UNIONS FOR ALL. Black workers deserve the protection afforded by Unions.


The Black middle class was built by union workers. For much of the 20th century, it was the only pathway out of poverty for many families. The corporate assault on organized labor that began under Ronald Reagan is part of a campaign of explosive inequality that has hollowed out our communities.

Unions aren’t just for teachers or factory workers. Any job where a worker can be fired without cause, or wages are less than it takes to live is a job that should be unionized. Unions for All means a voice for us all.

Unions give the political megaphone to individuals who otherwise would be ignored by the very political structures which have failed Black people so miserably for four hundred years.

We at Hip Hop Caucus want to wish you a happy Labor Day by asking you to join us in our fight for racial justice and to stand with us in support of the union organizers and collective bargaining champions who helped build this country. Together, we can protect the material and political rights of Black families which have been assaulted in this country for far too long.  

ADD YOUR NAME: This Labor Day, we must fight for Unions For All!

Empower Black workers. Empower unions.

Thank you,

Liz Havstad
Hip Hop Caucus

Hip Hop Caucus

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