Saturday, October 10, 2020

John Peeler is a whore, it's that simple, there's nothing progressive about him

 The always laughable LA PROGRESSIVE is featuring garbage from John Peeler.  Excuse me, more garbage from John Peeler.  He's nothing but a war whore.

Trashy Peeler wants to play like he's Colin Powell.  Even Al Franken rejected Colin Powell's b.s. of 'you broke it you bought it.'  In fact, Al even had a segment on his AIR AMERICA RADIO show explaining that, despite Colin's lies, Pottery Barn didn't have such a policy.  Rachel Maddow and Lizz Winstead also exposed the lie that Pottery Barn had such a policy.

But here comes John Peeler and he's upset that US troops are leaving Iraq and he wants you to know that you broke it, you bought it.

To which any real leftist needs to respond, "Whore, shut the f**k up."

I'm not in the mood for this garbage from 'progressives.'

This site started almost 16 years ago.  When "SHOULD THIS MARRIAGE BE SAVED?" went up, sixteen years ago, it was an argument that needed to be made and one that was, eventually, largely accepted on the left.

We're not accomplishing anything in Iraq.  We weren't there, we aren't now.  We occupy Iraq with our troops to prop up a government we created and installed with the hope that we can wear out Iraqi objections to this government and that their resistance to it will crumble at some point.  We repeatedly appoint our helpers in starting that war -- cowardly Iraqis who fled the country and only returned years later after we invaded -- as prime minister.

Then we marvel over how these cowards who fled Iraq are not accepted as leaders by the Iraqi people.

Nothing has been accomplished except for destroying the way of life in Iraq, destroying women's rights in Iraq, putting Shi'ite extremists in charge allowing activists of all stripes to be threatened, endangering Iraq's LGBTQ population . . . 

Nothing has been accomplished nor will it be.

US forces do not create democracy.  Nor is any honest person ever going to claim that they do.  The US forces have done what they were tasked with.  They do it today: Prop up an unpopular government.

When Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State (a detail a whore like Peeler ignores), the Iraqi government rejected any involvement from the State Dept -- that was training (they took over the training from the US Defesne Dept) of security forces, that was everything.

Peeler is a whore and he writes:

You cannot just wipe the slate clean in foreign policy.  You always work with what previous leaders have left you, for good or ill.  In these two cases, that legacy is that we created the messes in Afghanistan and Iraq.  When we walk away from them, we allow the enemies we have made to come to power.  They will take their revenge.

We broke it, we own it.

You f**king piece of xenophobic trash.

Iraq was never for sale.  You didn't buy s**t.  It was an occupied land with a people living in it.  Drop your racism and check your damn ego.  You are trash and you're a whore for war.

Shame on you and shame on LA 'PROGRESSIVE' for pimping this garbage.

The US destroyed Iraq.  Iraq's owed an apology.  If Iraq ever gets its own government -- as opposed to US installed thugs like Nouri al-Maliki -- then the US government owes Iraq restitutions.  (Restitutions at present would be a joke due to the deep and continuing corruption of the Iraqi government which brings in billions in oil revenues but can't take care of 35 million Iraqi people.)  

Shame on them.  This is the same garbage I had to respond to in 2004 -- but back then it was from Thomas Friedman and William Safire.  Today, the whorish LA PROGRESSIVE presents it from the whore John Peeler.

Let's sum this up real quick.  We went into Amar's home without any invitation.  While there, we spilled red wine on Amar's white carpet.  Days later, we still aren't gone.  At this point, Amar wants us to just leave.  

And that has been the position of the Iraqi people throughout this ongoing and never-ending war.  That's among the many facts John Peeler -- like war whores before him such as Thomas Friedman and William Safire -- chooses to ignore.  

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