Dear Friend, |
At Restore The Fourth, we believe that mass surveillance programs are unconstitutional and morally wrong. A major surveillance power, "Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008", is coming up for renewal this year. And we're already seeing NSA flacks trotting out the same old lies - that their surveillance is no big deal, that the courts are A-OK with it, and who, really, needs a warrant anyway? We need you to help push back, fast. Can you email your member of Congress to tell them that surveillance reform is important to you? FBI has been dipping into NSA's foreign intelligence database without a warrant for years, to find information on Americans' activities. Last year we know about, they made 3.4 million queries of Americans' communications this way. This is mass surveillance, and an end-run around your Fourth Amendment constitutional protections. We want Section 702 gone. But this year, strong reform is possible, and Congress is more favorable to reforms than it was a few years ago. Also, NSA and FBI now have a long, public track record of admitted abuses, including:
Please consider sending a letter to your representatives urging them to meet with Restore the Fourth. They need to know that people care, and that our liberties still matter to us. *A previous version of this communication was sent - this version contains working hyperlinks |
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