Saturday, August 10, 2024

Congressman Robert Garcia Fights to Expand Access to Preventative Care for STIs


Congressman Robert Garcia Fights to Expand Access to Preventative Care for STIs

August 8, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representatives Robert Garcia and Barbara Lee led sixteen colleagues in calling on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force to require insurers to cover doxy PEP for free for patients. Use of the common antibiotic doxycycline (doxy PEP) within three days of having sex can vastly reduce likelihood of syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea infections. The letter can be found here

“Surging STIs are disproportionately impacting LGBTQ+ individuals. We must ensure that these folks have access to doxy PEP, a critical medication that can save lives and prevent these kinds of infections. By making doxy PEP coverage free by insurers, we can prevent infections and stop the spread of disease for those most vulnerable,” said Congressman Robert Garcia. 

“As transmission rates for sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis continue to increase, it's more important now than ever that preventative medicines are covered by insurance," said Congresswoman Lee. “Widespread use and education about doxy PEP could prevent thousands of bacterial STI cases every year. However, in order to get this treatment to those who need it most, it's imperative that doxy PEP is covered by insurance plans with no cost to patients. I am proud to stand with my colleagues to urge USTPF to consider making this crucial recommendation.”

"The introduction of this new prevention option, Doxy-PEP, has the potential to significantly reduce STI rates and provide much-needed access and peace of mind to vulnerable populations who have been disproportionately affected. By ensuring Doxy-PEP is available with grade A rating by the USPSTF, we're taking a critical step toward promoting health equity and advancing our mission of using informed, evidence-based interventions to support those most in need," said David Stacy, Vice President of Government Affairs for the Human Rights Campaign

“Doxy PEP is the most significant medical advancement in STI prevention in decades. Reducing barriers to helping people access doxy PEP and providing healthcare providers with the guidance and encouragement they need to implement doxy PEP in accordance with the new CDC guidelines will be crucial in helping us use doxy PEP to address our out-of-control STI epidemic. I applaud Representative Garcia and Representative Lee for leading the way toward making this innovation more accessible,” said David C. Harvey, Executive Director of the National Coalition of STD Directors  

Last month, the CDC issued guidelines encouraging healthcare providers to counsel gay and bisexual men and transgender women patients at a higher risk of bacterial STIs about the benefits and costs of doxy PEP. In order to get this treatment to those who most need it though, it's imperative that doxy PEP is covered by insurance plans with no cost to patients – the same way that PrEP and other preventive treatments are.

The letter calls on the Preventive Services Task Force to make an official recommendation and “A” rating for doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis (doxy PEP) as a preventive treatment for bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Under the Affordable Care Act, this would require insurance companies to cover the treatment with no cost sharing.

Congressman Garcia is committed to fighting for the health of our nation. In July, he introduced the SEWER Act, which funds the Center for Disease Control’s National Wastewater Surveillance System. He also introduced the FLASH Act to cut through red tape to quickly buy critical medical materials during emergencies in future public health crises. As Mayor of Long Beach, Congressman Garcia was on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, working with the city’s independent health department to protect lives. Currently, he sits on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic where he has defended public health officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci and worked to find sustainable solutions to protect our communities from future pandemics.
