Saturday, October 26, 2024

If you care, you're voting Kamala

An e-mail asked what I think of the Gaza coverage?  I cry over it.  I also laugh. 

Let's deal with the laughter first. I laugh at what the Gaza Freaks do.  Gaza Freaks are the idiots who are backing Donald Trump or Jill Stein.  Backing either will put Donald Trump into the White House and that will harm the Palestinians.

I laugh at it because they erode support for the Palestinian people.

The Gaza Freaks made a decision and the sane people had to make a decision.  The sane people -- and I'm in that group -- have to focus on the United States where there will be a presidential election in a matter of days.

Without the sane people, the Palestinians are being destroyed in the world of public opinion.  Because Gaza Freaks are freaks.  They don't know to persuade anyone.  They don't know how to communicate.  Without the voices of sanity, you're left with scary Medea Benjamin and her kind -- the same embarrassing con artists that pick up causes and drop them repeatedly.  Medea didn't help Palestinians in the summer of 2006 and she's not helping them today.  

The sane voices?  We know how to structure an argument.  We know how to emphasize and how to choose what to emphasize to make an effective argument.  Our attention is elsewhere currently -- as it should be.  And without us, there's no movement on this issue.  More people are not coming to support the cause and, in fact, a fatigue has set in.

That's because Gaza Freaks don't know how to talk to others.  

CBS does a bad report on the Palestinians?  I can get on the phone with a producer there and make an argument about what was wrong and misguided and unfair.  Gaza Freaks can't.  

So they write their poorly thought out columns and make their asinine statements and the American people tune them out.  Over and over.

Two idiots at COMMON DREAMS prove their stupidity yet again.  I'll be kind and not name one of them because he clearly thinks he's helping.  He's not.  I have no problem naming Ralph Nader.

I'm not anti-Ralph.  

We noted every press release his campaign sent to the public e-mail account in 2008, for example.  I've noted him at other times as well.  And he has his strengths.  He's not a bad person.

But electoral politics?  That's not a strength for Ralph.  Yes, he remains the most successful presidential nominee the Green Party has ever had but, again, we're talking about the Green Party.

Ralph's fired off another missive and COMMON DREAMS has posted it.


If we're going to hear from Ralph, in 2024, ahead of a presidential election, the only thing we need to hear from him is: I was wrong to run in 2000.

Because he was.  

He had no plans.  He had nothing to offer.  In a ROLLING STONE interview, he attacked feminists for not joining him in his war on high-heels.

I'm not joking.  He dismissed the issue of reproductive rights but wanted women to get behind him because he was opposed to high heels.

First off, Ralph, Cybill Shepherd beat you to that cause by many, many years.  Second of all, some women want to wear high heels.  But then you don't respect women's choices which is why, third of all, you would dismiss concerns about abortion rights.

Ralph is one of the reasons we got the Iraq War.  He is not the only reason.  And Al Gore could have run a better campaign.  Equally true, left media -- THE NATION, DEMOCRACY NOW!, et al -- could've stopped whoring for Ralph Nader and trashing Al Gore.

Ralph was not prepared to be president and had nothing to offer.

He still doesn't.

He's an activist.  So am I.  I'm not stupid enough -- or vain enough -- to think I could be president.  I know my strengths and I know my weaknesses.

Ralph still won't admit to his.  Over a million Iraqis are dead as result of Ralph Nader's nonsense.

And COMMON DREAMS thinks we need to hear from him right now ahead of an election?

Again, the only thing we need to hear from him is an apology to the American people and especially to the Iraqi people.

Now there is another column he could write.  The one that he believes in which is that he should have run and that he has no regrets.

That's a column people need to read and should be reading ahead of an election.

Because over one million Iraqis are dead.

And Ralph won't take responsibility.

Over one million Iraqis are dead because Ralph didn't know what the f**k he was doing and still doesn't.

By him announcing his continued pride in his vanity campaign of 2000, he'd be making clear just what an idiot Jill Stein is right now with her vanity campaign.

Ralph's a great activist.  And in 1996 people started telling him he should be president.  In 2000, he agreed with them and officially ran a campaign for president.

He won votes.  I'm not attacking the people who voted for him.  But it's 24 years later and he still can't get honest about the effect his failed run had.  It's 24 years later and he still can't grasp that he lacks the skills to be a president.  Or, for that matter, Congressional support to rule.

Were the hideous JD Vance or Ron DeSantis or whomever the GOP's presidential candidate, I don't know that this election would be as important as it is.  I'm being honest.  But I knew last year that whomever the Democratic Party nominee was, I would have to vote for that person.  Because this isn't 2016.  Or even 2020.  We saw what Donald did after he lost.  We saw what he would stoop to.  We know what he has done via testimony.  We know now how bad it was when he was in the White House.  We know he is a danger and a threat to democracy.

This isn't, "Oh, he's a bad candiate, I'm gong to vote for John Kerry instead."

This is: He's a despot who was barely kept in check when he was in the White House before and now, thanks to a corrupt Supreme Court, if he goes back into the White House, he does so with no limits.  

This is not minor.

Unless you're a Gaza Freak.

I'm just not in the mood for you idiots and crazies who are willing to tank the United States.

You Gaza Freaks don't care enough to go over there,  Rachel Corrie cared about the Palestinians.  She gave her life for them.  All you Gaza Freaks do is whine and gripe and fail to realize the world around you.

You loathe the Israeli government.  It's an apartheid government, so it is loathsome.

But you don't realize the environment you are in.  

The Israeli government and the US government have been allies for years. Should they be?

I don't think so.  I don't think a democracy supports a government that enforces apartheid.  But, again, I was actively calling out the US government for recognizing and partnering with apartheid South Africa.  And that took years and years.  Now it could move quicker here, things do move quicker these days.  But we still aren't at a place in this country where enough people can press Congress on this.  We're not at the tipping point on this issue.  We could be.  If it weren't Gaza Freaks and  their trashing Kamala, we could all be working on this.  But instead, you've made those of us trying to save the country have to focus even more on that because of your uneducated, foolish and stupid actions and statements.

We're not a place, in this country, with the elections days away, where someone can be elected president by saying all the things you demand Kamala say.  

You haven't done the work, you haven't put in the time.  But you're like the idiots on the left (I'm on the left) who are forever looking for some rich sugar daddy to save them.

Remember those idiots?

One of them is Ralph Nader. 

In 2009, what book did he release?  ONLY THE SUPER-RICH CAN SAVE US!

You want short cuts, you don't want to do the work required.

To change US policy with regards to Israel takes a lot more work than the Gaza Freaks are willing to do.

They just know they can rally behind one person who can do all the work for them. Yes, they are that stupid.  Con artist Jill Stein pretends to be that person.

Not only can she not deliver on that, if her votes cost Kamala the election, you can be sure there will be a backlash to the Palestinian issue.  When Ralph's nonsense campaign helped put Bully Boy Bush in the White House, his various causes were no longer concerns of the American people and various organizations he had been part of -- and even organizations he himself had started -- had to distance themselves from Ralph publicly in order to survive.

So grifter Jill is playing a very dangerous game -- one she cannot win but wants to play for her own vanity even though it could serious destroy the Palestinian people. 
And that's why I cry.  Because lives are at stake.

And the Palestinian people matter.  

The current slaughter is only the latest slaughter.  Kamala in the White House and all of us doing the work required?  That could result in actual freedom for the Palestinians, not just a cease-fire.  

Donald in the White House?

If you think those of us trying to save democracy right now aren't helping the Gaza Freaks, grasp how Trump back in the White House means we're going to have to work that much harder protecting the American people.  We're not going to be able to help the Gaza freaks.  We'll be too busy trying to protect journalists and Donald's political rivals, and people of color, and people of color who are immigrants, and women who need real healthcare, and the LGBTQ+ community, and our schools, and our doctors, and . . .

And while we're doing all of that work?  Donald's going to be destroying the Palestinian people.

Gaza Freaks are destroying the future for Palestinians.

That's reality.  And that's why I cry.

And if you think about, if you really think about it, and you look around and think how there's no rallying right now around the Palestinian cause, you'll grasp what happens when those of us who are sane are forced to put the issue aside because we have to deal with a local pressing issue.

Gaza Freaks aren't helping build support for the Palestinians.  And they can't even be honest about that.  I read a story about another attack in Gaza or hear about one and I want to cry.  But even though things have gotten even worse since we've had to focus on this election, the Gaza Freaks just toss this stuff out there, throw it on the wall, have no idea how to shape the content or build an argument.

Because they don't know how to do anything.  You want their bodies at a protest but you never want to put them in charge of a protest because they're not smart enough, they lack the skills.

That's the same reality when it comes to Jill Stein.

If you care about the Palestinians, you're voting for Kamala.  

You can lie and pretend otherwise but if Donald gets back in the White House, you better expect all the hate scorn you're going to get.  Because there is no chance for the Palestinian people with a Trump presidency.

You're having a hissy fit that there's no cease-fire.  But you're not adult enough or smart enough to grasp that Donald and War Criminal Netanyahu are speaking regularly on the phone.

That's just how stupid the Gaza Freaks are.

On COMMON DREAMS, I actually was going to praise them and note some of their recent articles on Kamala.  I don't have time now.  I'll pull what I can over to THIRD.  But I'm tired.  I'm damn tired.  I'm tired of having to make the argument for Kamala every day here -- seven days a week -- because idiots want to pretend that they can waste their vote on Jill Stein as they pretend that it will make no difference whether Donald Trump is in the White House again or not.

I'm tired because I'm on the road speaking to a minimum of seven groups each day about the need to vote for Kamala.

I'm tired because I'm doing the work that we all should be doing to save our country.  

I'm tired because I can't believe that the left -- THE NATION, DEMOCRACY NOW!, IN THESE TIMES, et al -- can't get over their racism and get behind Kamala.  

I guess, for example, Katrina vanden Heuvel of THE NATION is comfortable seeing a Black woman as her mammy or a maid but not as a president.  Oops, did I go there?  Read Rebecca's "how we're going to win this election" because I might really go there here.  Rebecca's right it will probably go up in a community newsletter instead.  The reason being, I am calmer since Friday when I wrote the unpublished post -- and left the comments for Katrina -- and I realize that punishing THE NATION for what they've done means I should use those e-mails privately.  Wait until the days after the election where we big donors discuss what worked and what didn't, and, as I advocate for us to cut off all funding to the Katrina owned NATION magazine, work those e-mails into my presentation to really seal the deal.

Everybody's updated -- most of us not only wrote but we also posted the videos of Michelle Obama and Beyonce and Kelly Rowland speaking with Kamala on Friday and Saturday.  And Tina!  Tina Knowles did a great job as well.  

Michelle was so amazing and so from the heart, let me include this.

My point being I'm tired and I'm just noting this from the community sites -- it may not be the post that they wrote, you might have to go to the previous post.  Again, I'm tired.  I'm doing everything I can to see that our democracy is saved by electing Kamala Harris.  

These are the most recent posts by community sites: