If you celebrated Thanksgiving, hope you had a good one. Thanksgiving day is always a talking entry here -- the only exception I remember is when Bully Boy Bush rammed through the SOFA in 2008.
It sometimes goes up sooner, it sometimes goes up later. I honestly, didn't want to write today. New edition of THE BLACK COMMENTOR went up today:
The Black Commentator Issue #1018 is now Online
November 28, 2024
Thanksgiving 2024
Read issue 1018
Our email address is BlackCommentator@gmail.com
Our voicemail number is 856.823.1739
When the Thanksgiving post goes up early, it's because I'm writing the TD post while cooking. I do almost all my own cooking for TD. (Thanksgiving Day -- or Turkey Day, your pick.) I had a lot of early guests so couldn't break free -- and didn't want to -- ahead of the lunch. I then ate too much. I had 3 pieces of ham, two rolls and tons of vegetables. A regular size salad is about my speed for lunch so to have a plate full of food was more than I'm used to. That left me sluggish. I skipped turkey so I wasn't sleepy from that but I was sleepy and, each year, as soon as everyone's eaten and mingling after, I always take a nap (due to staying up all night cooking). I went upstairs and had some dreams -- and knew what I'd be writing about tonight. But when I woke up, I went downstairs to make sure everyone is fine and to say goodbyes to anyone leaving, then went back upstairs and went right back to sleep.
When I woke up, I found other ways to avoid writing -- including jamming in the music room. (I stuck to piano and bass.) Community sites posted in the last 24 hours, so there were things to read:
In addition, Trina did "Cooking in the Kitchen" yesterday as well. Let's note Trina -- and Elaine -- for another reason as well.
Those are the same post. After she posted "Leftover Turkey Salad in the Kitchen," right after, Blogger/Blogspot put it behind a wall:
Sensitive Content Warning
This post may contain sensitive content. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger Community Guildelines.
I UNDERSTAND AND I WISH TO CONTINUE I do not wish to continue
There was no sensitive content. It's the same post. And it's about how you can use any leftover turkey from today to make turkey salad.
Same posts -- the "Music -- Aretha, Chase Rice and more" has been put behind a wall.
Sensitive Content Warning
This post may contain sensitive content. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger Community Guildelines.
I UNDERSTAND AND I WISH TO CONTINUE I do not wish to continue
Again, the same post with a different title. Elaine reposted it immediately after Blogger/Blogspot put it behind a 'safety' wall. The new post ("Cleaning and listening to music") did not end up censored.
Elaine's post was about the two of us cleaning and listening to music. There was nothing "sensitive" about it -- unless GOOGLE is now trying to censor Aretha Franklin.
On the TD entry, I generally pull a few e-mails and respond to them.
Ralph e-mailed the public account that he watched some documentary on the late film critic Roger Ebert "and since you Ava do TV criticism, wondering what you thought of his work?"
Not much. Pauline Kael is the standard to this day. After her? Paul Rudnick did great work as Libby Gelman-Waxner. I thought Anthony Lane did some great work for THE NEW YORKER. In terms of critical studies of films -- books -- Marjorie Rosen's POPCORN VENUS remains one of the best.
Didn't dislike Ebert. Did dislike Gene Siskel who was awful to actresses over and over. But Ebert wrote shallow pieces. He also missed way too many standout moments in films he wrote about and his writing rarely went beyond thumbs up or thumbs down. He got better in the 90s and played with the form. But the bulk of his writing? Didn't care for it. I want a full meal and his writing was hors d'oeuvres.
If he spoke to you, that's great.
Elizabeth e-mailed to ask about JD Vance's Tweet.
Haven't been on Twitter. But, earlier tonight, I did post Keith Edwards' video below.
In the video, he notes JD Vance Tweeted an image. Norman Rockwell's FREEDOM FROM WANT is a famous painting -- Alex has the family recreate it for a school project in the third season of MODERN FAMILY -- episode 23 "Tableau Vivant."
That's what Elizabeth's talking about. JD Tweeted it with his face and Donald's face imposed upon the married couple and an electoral map of the US imposed over the turkey.
JD's the wife in the image.
Elizabeth, am I supposed to be shocked by it?
Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "They Don't Seem To Realize That They Host A TV Show" went up this week.
As did Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "They Don't Seem To Realize That They Host A TV Show"
Miss Sassy?
Long before Miss Sassy (a cat) popped up in JD's Ohio cat stories, Mike and Isaiah had dubbed JD Miss Sassy -- his drag name. Photos from law school leaked out of JD in drag -- only JD. The other men in the photos are not dressed in drag. He had already served in Iraq. And he chose to hang out with other men and dressed as a woman.
And his contemporaries from that time note that was not his only drag moment in law school.
So we have our first cross dressing Vice President come January. He gets to make history.
Knowing what I know, I'm not at all surprised that he would post that image and put himself in the woman's dress.
Next up.
There are at least 17 e-mails about that Jessica Denson video -- 17 decrying my failure to note it. It posted six days ago. I did not know of it until the e-mails.
I'm not really interested in her main topic -- vote theft. I've gone into that before. I'll note that again in a moment.
I'm sorry she's had to leave MEIDASTOUCH. I certainly have no problem noting future videos -- not on election theft.
She's done some strong work -- and may do so on election theft.
She notes David Cay J -- and I'm stopping to look his name up. David Cay Johnston is having a hissy fit. She notes that and, honestly, that's reason enough to note the video above.
Maybe when I finally pack this site in, I'll note some of these trashy and disgusting people who've e-mailed over the years.
I've noted in the past when some have written if they were accusing me of things. That would include Robert Kagan who had no problem that we noted in 2004 that NPR shouldn't have allowed him to comment on the 2004 race for president since there was no disclosure that his wife was working for Dick Cheney (Victoria Nuland, see "When NPR Fails You, Who You Gonna' Call? Not the Ombudsman") but he was angry with me for writing something about him and Hurricane Katrina. Huh? I never wrote any such thing. I get really ticked off when I'm accused of things I didn't do.
Because if you tell me I got something wrong, I don't immediately say, "You're wrong!" I take you at your word. I think, "How the hell could I have been so stupid!!!!" Because I make mistakes all the time and if you tell me I did, I trust you.
My immediate response is always, "I was so wrong."
But if it turns out, after I'm taking the blame and beating myself up, that you're lying? That pisses me off.
Which is how we circle back to David Cay Johnston. Unlike sewer rat David Sirota, he didn't threaten to sue me.
He did send a nasty, rude e-mail. Fine, I'm nasty and rude here all the time.
Not fine? He screamed in text at me for not spelling his special name correctly. He savaged me for getting his name wrong.
Now most of this is dictated. I'm actually typing this post. But the snapshot is dictated and has been for years. And we have typos in it and I don't really care. If I typed it? We'd have many more because I'm dyslexic.
So apparently his name went up here as David Cay Johnson and not David Cay Johnston -- and that missing "t" was the end of the world for Davey Cay. He wrote his nasty e-mail trashing me. Which says a lot about what a bully he is and also about how vain he is -- MY NAME WAS MISPELLED!!!!!
But, here's the thing, I didn't type his name. Nor did anyone I dictated too.
Bob Somerby (THE DAILY HOWLER) had misspelled the name. We -- and it may be me -- pulled from Bob and quoted a paragraph or two from an entry Bob did.
And Davey Cay sent me a nasty e-mail where he attacked me non-stop for getting his name wrong and I'm not the one who did. It clearly noted that this was an excerpt from a post that Bob Somerby did.
And he never griped to Bob. Even though it was Bob's mistake. And Bob never corrected it.
But Bob Somerby's a man.
David Cay's abusive e-mail? That's what women have to endure online. These bullies and pigs don't write like that to men with blogs. (And I'm not the only one who had to endure one of Davey's raging e-mails. He loves to send those to women -- I doubt he knows we often share them with each other.)
An early attempt by Fleetwood Mac of recording Stevie Nicks' classic "Dreams" (she wrote the band's only number one hit).
I had two dreams during napping today. The first? Donald Trump suffered a massive heart attack and Miss Sassy JD Vance was now going to become president.
I woke up laughing from that one. Prior to that, the dream was that election theft had taken place, that the Justice Dept was aware of it, was monitoring it and was planning to arrest Satan Trump and company on January 6th after the falsified results had been introduced.
Now I would love for the second dream to become truth. But it's not going to.
Not in my opinion.
I would love to find out that the election was stolen because it's so much better than the truth: That America is a very racist and sexist country. I would give anything to be able to think better of voters and my fellow citizens.
By the way, per AP, Kamala currently stands at 48.4% of the vote and Donald's at 50%. There are votes still to be counted in New York, Oregon and Washington that might increase her percentage of the vote. They will not change the results. The reason I continue to note the percentage is to point out that it was a very close race and Satan did not get a mandate or a landslide from the American people.
But the election's over and the ugly reality is something I have to accept.
If you don't, that's you. I don't control you. I'm not trying to control you.
But I have to focus on what seems real to me and so that's what I will be doing.
Sabina pointed out in the roundtable we did for the gina & krista round-robin -- check your inboxes Friday morning -- that a lot of people in her state (Texas) were saying the vote was rigged. They were saying they knew this because -- urged by various people online -- they went to check to see if their vote counted and they couldn't find their vote at the state website. As Sabina pointed out, there's only one tool that lets you track your vote in Texas online -- and that's if it was received . . . by mail. People who voted in person were telling her that their votes was stolen because it didn't show up on the website. But that's state's website only lets you track your vote if you voted by mail. If you didn't, your vote's not going to show up through that search tool.
We're going to focus on what seems real. That doesn't mean others can't focus other things. It does mean that I'm not interested in this topic and I've said that before. If you are, pursue it and I accept your reasons for doing so, please accept mine for not pursuing it.
The e-mail address for this site is common_ills@yahoo.com.