Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Martha: "So where are you?"

Martha: "I've been checking and lately all I see is one post. Are you on vacation? I enjoy the break down of the Times, saves me having to wade through it. But I guess my question is this: So where are you?"

Here and posting. Right now I'm attempting to try to get the post e-mailed in on Monday and the one e-mailed in Tuesday posted. Those I have in the e-mail account (common_ills@yahoo.com). In addition, last night, I worked almost three hours on one post. It posted. It went onto the blog. Shirley e-mailed corrections, Frank in Orlando e-mailed a point he wanted to make about it. Two other people weighed in as well. (I'm waiting for their permission to cite and/or quote.)

Where did that post go? I don't know. It and the two that were e-mailed in did make the blog.
We had a similar problem before and someone was very kind to talk me through it. But that advice that worked before isn't working now. So "Z," if you're out there and have any additional ideas, please let me know.

I've just resent both e-mailed entries. While I wait to see if they post, I'll be working on an entry of your comments. (A long entry.) If they haven't posted when I'm done, I'll go ahead and attempt posting them directly.

I've also looked at the settings and they were changed. I haven't been in "settings" for over a week so I'm not sure how that ended up happening. Maybe that will fix it or help fix it.

But I'm still here. And if you happened to go to the site right after the e-mails or last night's entry posted, you were able to read it. (Shirley e-mails that two were up for nineties minutes and the third she's not sure how long it was up.)

I'm not going to tear my hair out or gnash my teeth because if I get worked up over it (like I did when it first happened), I won't be able to post anything.