- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Shahed Husain is the owner of the limo involved in the deaths of 20 people in upstate NY. He is an FBI snitch who sent the #Newburgh4 to prison. I wrote about him in 2009.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedWhat Happened to ‘Black Lives Matter’ Movement? (VIDEO) https://youtu.be/N_nU_J2F3E8 @anyaparampil @freedomrideblog #BlackLivesMatter
#LaquanMcDonald #TamirRice
- Thanks to @anyaparampil for inviting me to appear on RT America today. I had the opportunity to discuss the ongoing human rights violations committed by police in this country.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedIn favor of a woman who promised to put her rapist husband in a position of power if she won, and who told Fox News she was open to restrictions on abortion, what a joke
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedExcept people are not annoyed with Susan Sarandon. They are outright blaming her for the election results in the most vile, abusive way.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedComing after Sarandon for Trump/Kavanaugh is the height of intellectual dishonesty and rabid delusion that’s overtaken liberals in this country. You can’t push back against an administration if you can’t be honest & clear about what happened in 2016 & take steps to rectify it.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedThere is more hate directed towards Sarandon than GW Bush - think on that for a moment. Democrats/liberals give more love to a Republican president that destroyed civil liberties, normalized torture, expanded surveillance; is responsible for 1M deaths than leftist Sarandon. Why?
- Granted I see more continuity than change from republicans to democrats but Susan isn’t Condi. I don’t like any U.S. foreign policy officials but this is disgraceful and flat out racist. @thehill
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedUm, folks? Holy f**king hell. I know why Taylor Wilson, the Amtrak terrorist, looked so familiar. He was right in front of me on August 11.
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted"The aggression the US shows around the world is mirrored in the aggression meted out to us as black people... mass incarceration, police murders... so you definitely have a stake in speaking out about international issues" -M. Kimberley @freedomrideblog
- With Democrats Like Joe Manchin Who Needs Republicans | You're Being Pla... https://youtu.be/T_7mSFtsOtk via @YouTube @RealTimBlack
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedWe have created a liberal political culture wherein it's fashionable, let alone acceptable, to blame Susan Sarandon or Russian trolls for Donald Trump. If that isn't rock bottom denial -- for the purpose of absolving failed liberal elites -- I don't know what is.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedPacifica Radio Supports Wikileaks and Julian Assange https://goo.gl/Mb7Szs @Wikileaks @JulianAssange #FreeJulian #ReconnectJulian @RadioPacifica @GeorgeSzamuely @unjoe @FlashpointsNews @Unity4J
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
to spread the word about the Tribunal now available for download and districubtion
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted#USoutofAfrica! Please sign on to this @Blacks4Peace campaign to end #AFRICOM, the U.S. Africa Command.
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted