Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
I applaud the historic passage in the U.S. Senate to end support for the war in Yemen. It’s time to focus on America and not the Middle East. Saudi Arabia has been committing atrocities against civilians in Yemen, and we should have NOTHING to do with it.
American tax dollars should not be used to starve millions of children in Yemen, nor should they go to refueling the warplanes of Saudi Arabia raining bombs on innocents.

Destroying Syria, Libya and Ukraine. Approving and facilitating Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war on Yemen - where millions of children are now being starved to death. Expanding drone strikes and maintaining a Kill List.
This is what will get you a human rights award?
Alrighty then.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
This fake humanitarian armed and funded the terrorists here in Syria that massacred members of my family, and besieged and shelled our Christian suburbs for over two years. "Ripple of hope"? Only for jihadists hell bent on killing Syria's minorites. He belongs in prison.
Overcoming 7 years of constant war, terrorism and air strikes from the U.S., Germany, France and Britain, the people of Syria are celebrating a peaceful Christmas this year, while Paris devolves into a war zone, reports American journalist @PearsonSharp.
#GiletsJaunes #France
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Paris burns, while Syria celebrates a peaceful Christmas. This might be in the dictionary under "Poetic Justice."
The man who bombed Libya back to the stone age, turning a country that had the highest standard of living in Africa into a war-torn state where jihadists roam the streets and sell human beings in open air slave markets, wants to lecture us about “a more just and peaceful world”.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
The DNC Lawsuit is a real threat against freedom of speech and the Press, but the establishment press chooses to ignore that threat in favor of cowering over Trumps mean tweets.
“So it’s clear that not only has the United States given the Saudis a ‘free pass’ politically while tens of thousands of civilians in Yemen have been massacred over the years, but has literally been funding the Saudi military machine for free.”
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
We should only sell arms to those we absolutely trust. At this point in time, we can’t trust Saudi Arabia. It’s now time to suspend arms sales. The Senate will soon act on this. They should also immediately replace their ambassador to the US. Change is coming!
Imagine if tens of millions of US tax dollars went to feed the millions of American children living in poverty.
Instead it was spent on refueling Saudi Arabia’s warplanes raining bombs on children in Yemen.
Let that sink in.
Hundreds of Syrians gather for early Christmas celebrations at St. Michael’s Church, in Syria’s Lattakia. Yet, beautiful scenes like these never make it to the Western media.
That awkward moment when Macron, who, just like his two predecessors, unashamedly meddled in Syria’s affairs by backing and arming jihadists posing as “moderate rebels”, demands that no county interferes in France’s domestic affairs or supports the #GiletsJaunes protesters.
When head-chopping jihadists flooded Syria, bringing death and destruction, the mainstream media called it a “revolution”.
But when ordinary French citizens in France protest against the ruling Paris elites, the same mainstream media calls it a Russian conspiracy. #GiletsJaunes