Sunday, November 17, 2019


Few talk or think about Iraq these days; the media ignores this important but demolished nation. Iraq, let’s recall, was the target of a major western aggression concocted by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Britain’s Tony Blair, financed and encouraged by the Gulf oil sheikdoms and Saudi Arabia.
Most people don’t understand that Iraq remains a US-occupied nation. We hear nothing about the billions of dollars of Iraqi oil extracted by big US oil firms since 2003. For the US, Iraq was a treasure house of oil with 12% of world reserves. It was OPEC’s 2nd largest producer.

Recall one of the leading neocons who engineered the invasion of Iraq, Paul Wolfowitz, claimed the US could finance its entire invasion of Iraq (he estimated the cost at about $70 billion) by plundering Iraq’s oil. Today, the cost of the occupation has reached over $1 trillion. Wolfie is nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile, President Trump says the US will grab Syria’s oil fields. Wherever it may be, oil is as American as apple pie.
So where did all the money go? A large amount for corrupt Iraqi politicians and more for the ten plus US bases in Iraq. Perhaps a modest payoff for neighboring Iran, and Iraq’s Shia clergy, or helping finance Iraq and Syria’s ISIS. But that still leaves a huge amount of unaccounted cash from oil plundered by the US. One day we may find out.

In recent weeks, Shia and Sunni Iraqis have been rioting to protest continuing US proxy rule via a Washington-installed puppet regime in Baghdad that, curiously, also has some Iranian support. 

That's from Eric Margolis' "The Forgotten Plunder of Iraq" (COMMON DREAMS).  The US has destroyed Iraq and now, it appears, it just wants to roll over, go back to sleep and forget what it's done.

Strikes continue in Iraq.  THE DAILY STAR notes, "Iraqis flooded the streets of the capital and southern cities Sunday in a general strike that bolstered the weekslong movement demanding a government overhaul. Sit-ins have become the go-to tactic for the rallies that erupted in early October in rage over corruption, a lack of jobs and an out-of-touch political class."

Iraq declares Baghdad curfew as protests persist

Waves of violent protests have engulfed Baghdad and Iraq’s southern provinces, with demonstrators chanting for the downfall of a government that they say doesn’t prioritise them.

  1. Photos: A Month of Anti-Government Protests in Iraq—via .

US Threatens to Sanction Iraqi Officials Over Protest Crack Down Officials say Iranian commander behind suppression of protests

A young life lost in Iraq's deadly protests

Kat's "Kat's Korner: MR Leslie Odom Jr." and Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Pro-rape Deval" went up earlier today.  Isaiah has another comic that will go up after this posts.