Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Some Tweets from Gabrielle Farrell

Gabrielle Farrell is the press secretary for candidate Elizabeth Warren.

  • Talking about her inception of the CFPB, tells us 2 things people said: 1) Great idea. You could actually make structural change. 2) Don't even try. You’ll be up against big money, big banks, Republicans, Democrats. You'll never get it done. And yet, she did that.
  • The student loan plan: -cancels debt for 42M+ people -helps close the racial wealth gap -spurs economic growth -has strong support, including from people who have already paid off their loans
  • Here's Elizabeth Warren's strategy to win over black women, and here's why it's working:
  • Just in: Extraordinary statement from Bloomberg News Editor-In-Chief John Micklethwait about Bloomberg’s coverage plans of Mike Bloomberg’s candidacy: Bloomberg Editorial board suspended, no “investigation” of Mike, his family or foundation:
  • Federal Minimum Wage, 2009: $7.25 Federal Minimum Wage, 2019: $7.25 It's time to .
  • There have been 2,302 mass shootings in the United States since Sandy Hook. We shouldn't have to live like this. But unless we root out corruption in Washington, the gun lobby will always have a veto on any legislation to end the gun violence epidemic.
  • I'm in this fight because I want our kids to have a brighter future. That's a hope we all share, and I'm grateful to everyone in Manchester who is in this fight for big, structural change.
    Elizabeth Warren onstage at the Manchester town hall.
    Elizabeth Warren onstage at the Manchester town hall.
    A young girl holds up a "Dream Big Fight Hard" sign at the Manchester town hall.
    A young girl holds up a "Dream Big Fight Hard" sign at the Manchester town hall.
  • History has proven that when working women fight together, they win. The Black women of the Atlanta Washerwomen Strike show the true story of American persistence.