Thursday, May 07, 2020

Candidate Rebecca Parsons supports Medicare For All

Rebecca Parsons is running for the US House of Representatives in the state of Washington's sixth district.  Click here to find out where she stands on the issue.  We're noting her stance on healthcare.

Medicare for All. Single payer. No more incrementalism.


As a small business owner on Obamacare, my health insurance premiums have gone up 20% in the last two years while my deductible has increased and my doctor’s visits have decreased. Like you, I’m paying more money for less care.  

People are dying because they can’t afford treatment or because only one place in town takes Medicaid and it’s booked out for months.  

The underlying problem is that our healthcare system is driven by profit, instead of what’s best for people. Health insurance companies decide who lives and who dies.  

The solution is Medicare for All. The wealthiest nation in the history of the world shouldn’t have people dying because they can’t afford to go to the doctor. It shouldn’t have people going into bankruptcy because they got cancer. It shouldn’t have insurance companies hounding grieving parents for money after the tragic death of their child.  

We need a single-payer, universal, national healthcare system that guarantees care for all, regardless of their ability to pay. Everybody in, nobody out. "Access" to healthcare is corporate-Democrat, lobbyist code for more for-profit plans. What good is "access" to healthcare if you can't afford it? 

You can count on me to advocate for YOU in the fight for Expanded and Improved Medicare for All, because I refuse donations from insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, lobbyists, and corporate PACs. I will cosponsor Medicare for All.  

As your member of Congress, I will fight to:
  • Reduce the cost of pharmaceuticals by allowing for the importation of drugs from Canada and for Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices on behalf of American workers.
  • Include dental and vision in Medicare for All.
  • Ensure your complete freedom to choose your doctor, dentist, and other providers, without worrying whether they're in-network. With single-payer healthcare, they're all in-network!
  • Eliminate co-pays and deductibles, so you can go to the doctor when you’re sick without worrying about how you’ll pay for it.
  • Include mental health treatment in Medicare for All. 
  • Ensure the Veterans Affairs health system and the Indian Health Services continue to operate as they do now.
  • Reduce the costs of healthcare in the United States while increasing the quality of care.
  • Ensure you never have to choose between your rent/mortgage and your medications.
  • Include drug and alcohol treatment in Medicare for All, so alcoholics and addicts get the help they need, when they need it. 
  • Make sure that those who can afford it may pay for supplemental coverage, such as cosmetic surgery, not covered under Medicare for All.