Monday, July 20, 2020

Krystal and Saagar REACT: Kanye 2020 Rally Goes OFF THE RAILS

Where's the video?

Not here.

If Krystal and Saagar think that laughing at someone is cute or funny?  Well that's mighty racist of them. 

And we don't need Krystal to say that Kanye's wrong about Tubman.  

I've already covered this in the snapshot earlier.

If Krystal wants to address Harriet Tubman, we're going to need someone who's an expert and, no, Krystal's not.  On liberation theology, not on Harriet Tubman.

I find Kanye much more relatable than War Hawk Joe Biden.  How sad that Krystal and Saagar elect to 'cover' the press conference but offer nothing of value.  The snark's getting a little old, Krystal.  

And you come off racist.  We expect a lot more from you.

[As noted before, I know Kanye and I consider him a friend.  I would stick up for him for that reason alone; however, I'm getting a little tired of the media -- and some African-American activists encouraging this -- going to town on Kanye.  There seems to be less reporting and a lot more racism in the coverage.]