Tuesday, May 11, 2021

A post worth sharing: Stopping Zionist Genocide Against The Palestinians: The Boycott, Divestment, And Sanctions (BDS) Campaign

This is from a 2018 piece by Professor Francis Boyle entitled "Stopping Zionist Genocide Against The Palestinians: The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Campaign:"

Palestinians have been victims ofgenocide as defined by the 1948 Genocide Convention since the founding of theState of Israel. I say that because of my practical experience. I single-handedly won two World Court Orders for the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina against Yugoslavia (both Serbia and Montenegro)to cease and desist from committing all acts of genocide against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.This was the first time ever that any lawyer let alone government had won two such World Court Orders in one case since the World Court was founded in 1921.If you are interested all of my oral and written submissions to the World Court on genocide for winning those two World Court Orders overwhelmingly in favor of Bosnia can be found in my book The Bosnian People Charge Genocide! (1996).

Article II of the Genocide Convention defines the international crime of genocide in relevant part as follows:“In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, as such:(a) killing members of the group;(b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;(c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its destruction its physical destruction in whole and in part…”That is exactly what Israel is doing today to the 1.8 million People of Gaza:Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction in whole or in part.The Zionists have been doing this since they imposed their siege on Gaza starting in 2007.I have been all up and down and back and forth over Gaza. Gaza is just like the Dachau concentration camp that I have also visited myself.

As documented by Israeli historian Ilan Pappe in his seminal book,The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (2006), Israel’s genocidal policy against the Palestinians has been unremitting,extending from before the foundation of the State of Israel in 1948 and is ongoing even now and especially intensifying against the 1.8 million Palestinians living in Gaza.As Pappe’s analysis established, Zionism’s final solution to Israel’s much-touted and racist and genocidal demographic “threat” allegedly posed by the very existence of the Palestinians has always been genocide,whether slow motion or in blood thirsty spurts of violence as we have seen more recently in Operation Cast Lead and Operation Protective Edge — both euphemisms for Zionist genocide against the Palestinians and the People of Gaza.

Indeed the very essence of Zionism requires ethnic cleansing and acts of genocide against the Palestinians.Concerning Operation Cast Lead in 2008-2009, U.N. General Assembly President Migueld’Escoto Brockmann,who had been the Foreign Ministerof Nicaragua during Reagan’s contra-terror war against them, condemned it as genocide.At that earlier time, I was down in Nicaragua myself and for many years helped the Nicaraguan People against the Reagan contra-terror war against them that was soundly condemned by the International Court of Justice. You can read about this in my book Defending Civil Resistance Under International Law (1987).

Israel and its predecessors-in-law the Zionist agencies, forces, and terrorist gangs have committed genocide against the Palestinian People that started on or about 15 May 1948 –Nakba Day.You will note that President Trump has decided to stick it to the Palestinian People by illegally moving the U.S.Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on Nakba Day 2018 and has already illegally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel for the first time ever.In mybook Palestine, Palestinians,and International Law (2003), I have an entire chapter on the legal status of Jerusalem under international law.It is quite interesting that the last time we had an official statement on Jerusalem by the United States government was by George Bush Senior when he was the United Nations Ambassador.He correctly pointed out the reasons why the United States government had not previously recognized Jerusalemas the capital of Israel and kept the U.S.Embassy in Tel Aviv.Prior to President Trump!

I have been to that U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv in order to complain vigorously about the war crimes that Israel has inflicted against the Palestinians.You know what they told me?That this was an “internal affair” of Israel!In other words the United States government was not going to get involved, was not going to do anything at all about it, and if I didn’t agree with that decision I could take it up with the State Department in Washington D.C.Well of course I knew that would be a waste of time and so I did not.

Certainly Israel and its predecessors-in-law the Zionist agencies,forces, and terrorist gangs committed genocide against the Palestinians that started on Nakba Day 1948 and continues apace until today in violation of Genocide Convention Articles II(a) and (b) and (c) that I quoted to you already.For over the past seven decades the Israeli government and its predecessors-in-law the Zionist agencies,forces, and terrorist gangs have ruthlessly implemented a systematic and comprehensive military, political,religious, economic, and cultural campaign with intent to destroy in substantial part the national, ethnical, racial, and different religious (Jews versus Muslims and Christians) group constituting the Palestinian People.Just last week we saw that the Christian denominations in charge of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre had to shut it down because the Zionists are trying to tax it out of existence in violation of the Hague Convention of 1907,the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, and other rules of customary international law binding upon Israel.

The Zionists could not give diddly-squat about international law! I have been up against them for decades,both in Israel and here and all over the world. I’ve debated them, I’ve argued with them,I’ve opposed them.They all lie!Every one of them that I have ever dealt with personally lies and that includes the American Zionists at the U.S. State Department.